The Limited Times

Mufti Hassoun to a German delegation: Syria opens its doors to all its children who were displaced by terrorism

11/21/2019, 2:22:58 PM

Damascus, (SANA) - Grand Mufti of the Republic Dr. Ahmad Badr Eddine Hassoun on Sunday met with a German parliamentary delegation


The Grand Mufti of the Republic, Dr. Ahmed Badr Eddin Hassoun, met today with a German parliamentary delegation headed by Frank Bazeman, head of the contact group for Syria in the German parliament.

Mufti Hassoun stressed that Syria is opening its doors to all its citizens who have been displaced by the terrorist war to contribute to the reconstruction of their country after security has spread over most of the country.

For his part, Bazeman stressed the importance of lifting unilateral coercive measures and economic blockade on the Syrian people, stressing the need for European countries to contribute to the reconstruction of Syria and the return of its people to it because safety and stability have returned to it.

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