The Limited Times

[Fugitive Offenders Ordinance] Correctional officers serve as secret agents and face masks

11/23/2019, 12:34:58 PM

On the 14th, the Government announced the appointment of nearly 100 correctional officers as "special police officers" to guard the government premises designated by the Commissioner of Police. Their duties include riot prevention and handling of emergencies. Today (23) a group of "special police officers" armed with blue arms are stationed at the junction of Lower Albert Road and Garden Road and patrolling the Law Centre.

Social News

Written by: Mai Kaiyin

2019-11-23 19:09

Last updated date: 2019-11-23 20:22

On the 14th, the Government announced the appointment of nearly 100 correctional officers as "special police officers" to guard the government premises designated by the Commissioner of Police. Their duties include riot prevention and handling of emergencies. Today (23) a group of "special police officers" armed with blue arms are stationed at the junction of Lower Albert Road and Garden Road and patrolling the Law Centre.


The spy police took the initiative to ask close people

About 10 secret police officers serving as correctional officers, wearing the blue armband printed with the words "SC Special Police", displayed a numbered "blue card" in front of the bullet-proof vest, and "recognition" on the back. Typeface.

The reporters saw that their riot gear was no different from the police riot police. They also had rope straps, large sticks of pepper spray, walkie-talkies and standard riot guns commonly known as "big mouth guns". The biggest difference is that the helmet they wear is gray, not the black used by the police. They are also very sensitive to the people on the scene. As long as someone approaches the line of defense, they will ask questions.

[Fugitive Offenders Ordinance] News: Immigration Customs draws 150 people to join the special police next week

[Police Reporter] Hundreds of "special police officers" sworn to wear the Correctional Services Department uniform on duty today

[Fugitive Offenders Ordinance] The first batch of "special police officers" joined the riot control and correction "Flying Tigers" this week.

Mainly from the "Corruption Flying Tigers"

Nearly 100 correctional officers, appointed by the Commissioner of Police as "special police", have taken an oath on the 15th of this month and have received basic training. The "special police" will be clearly displayed in both English and Chinese on the shoulders of the field. Epaulettes. During the period when the relevant correctional officers are appointed as Special Task Forces, they will be temporarily transferred to the Police Force by the Correctional Services Department on a part-time basis.

It is understood that they are mainly from the regional response brigade with the title of "Compulsory Awareness Flying Tigers". They are responsible for escorting high-risk inmates and coping with emergencies. They are equipped with low-lethal weapons, including riot guns and bags that can be equipped with tear gas and rubber bullets. Bullet guns, pepper foam sprays, telescopic batons, pepper bead launchers, pistol-shaped pepper bead launchers, etc., can also be equipped with a 38-caliber pistol.

The Government has indicated that it will depend on the manpower requirements of the Police Force and the development of social activities. It does not rule out the appointment of other Hong Kong disciplined services officers as special task officers to share the pressure of the Police Force. It is reported that the Administration has drawn up the second batch of special police officers from the Immigration Department and the Customs and Excise Department. It is about 100 people. It is expected to join next week to provide support to the Police Force.

Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, Demonstration, Correctional Services Department, Police Department, Security Bureau