The Limited Times

Achieving the main and secondary breaks in the port of Albasit in Lattakia

11/23/2019, 4:37:59 PM

Lattakia-SANA Within the plan of expanding and developing maritime navigation services, the main and secondary nuts were inaugurated today


Within the plan of expanding and developing maritime navigation services, today the main and secondary nuts were inaugurated in Ras Al-Basit port in Lattakia after being expanded and rehabilitated to receive fishing boats, picnics and tourism at a cost of about two billion pounds.

The project of the Directorate General of Ports provides marine protection for the port basin from waves and storms and sidewalks boats safely to avoid marine disasters and investment of areas in addition to the opening of investments and development projects in the region, while the port provides about 150 boats, which allows to develop the activity and increase the number of fishing workers and create new jobs Expanding marine services of all kinds.

The project adds tourist dimensions to the public site in Albacete and enables the establishment of new tourism projects and investments for the development of the area, which is reflected on the people and sources of income.

Minister of Transport Ali Hammoud said in a statement to reporters that the two nuts provide more space for the protection of fishing boats and picnics and increase in the absorption of boats of various types, including tourist ferries, in addition to the role of the port simple in strengthening the extension of sea ports authority on the Syrian maritime border and the possibility of expansion in the future to accommodate some Ships from depths of up to 6 meters or in asylum vessels that are exposed to certain marine disasters.

The project manager at the Military Construction Execution Institution (MTI) 6 Executive Authority Engineer Zuhair Tuffaha pointed out in statements to SANA correspondent that the length of the main nuts reached 506 meters, the length of the mizar 74 meters, the secondary masr 260 m, the mizar 74 meters, and the nuts 186 m. From the bottom of the sea and the height of the breaker above the sea is 5.5 meters with an internal slope m / m for the two nuts.

He pointed out that the value of works in the project amounted to about 2 billion Syrian pounds and that the total quantity of rocks supplied amounted to about 283 thousand tons and different weights ranged between 1.5 tons and 12 tons per rock, indicating that the work was carried out in the breaker at graduated heights depending on the depth of the water at the project site.

In a statement to SANA, a group of fishermen stressed the importance of the project in protecting fishing boats from the sea vessels that occur in the region, which caused many boats to crash every month, including the chairman of the fishermen's union committee in Al-Basit Suhail Badour who explained that the port currently provides full protection and accommodates more Boats of various sizes will benefit the fishermen as fishermen Maher Sheikh Ali and Maher Skijeh pointed to the suffering of the fishermen before the completion of the port and the comfort that he devoted in the work of fishermen.

The inauguration was attended by the Governor of Latakia Ibrahim Khadr Al-Salem and a number of stakeholders.

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