The Limited Times

Tehran: The US administration places no value on principles and human rights

11/23/2019, 2:10:59 PM

Tehran - The Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned the US imposition of a ban on Iranian Communications Minister Mohammad


The Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned the US imposition of the ban on Iranian Minister of Communications Mohammad Javad Azari Jahrami, stressing that the current US administration "does not put any value to others in terms of democratic principles and values, transparency and human rights."

"A look at the administration's record of exerting pressure on corporate executives and major social networks, including Twitter to silence dissenting voices, reveals the administration's selective political engagement with the Internet," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi was quoted as saying by the official IRNA news agency.

Yesterday, the US Treasury Department imposed a ban on the Iranian Minister of Communications in another step in the context of US economic terrorism against the Iranian people.

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