The Limited Times

Who is not in conformity with the character and virtue that a district board member should have

11/23/2019, 10:50:05 AM

This year's District Councils elections were held in a chaotic moment in Hong Kong, the most serious social conflict in more than half a century. Under the "exciting public sentiment", some people are politically motivated and the elections are operated as "anti-government" referendums.

01 opinion

Written by: Commentary Editor

2019-11-23 18:38

Last updated: 2019-11-23 18:40

This year's District Councils elections were held in Hong Kong in the chaotic moments of the most serious social conflicts in more than half a century. Under the "exciting public sentiment", some people were politically savvy, and the elections were operated as "anti-government" referendums. There were also some embraces of partial political ideas. People take advantage of it and try to seize the right to speak. "Hong Kong 01" has always believed that the district boards are responsible for community management and should focus on people's livelihood affairs. At the moment when Hong Kong is at a critical moment of social transformation, the district councils are more urgently required to "depoliticize". Any political speculation is needed. To use this stage to spread unrealistic or radical political ideas, or bad examples of community governance, is definitely not worth supporting.

What are the candidates for the district board members with clear political characteristics? One of them is a "political veteran" who is good at social resistance. They are airborne in the district council battlefield, but they only want to get support when they kick the "Loyalist Party". For example, how can people believe that they really want to do a good job? issue? Those who scream "empty Hong Kong, the revolution of the times", "the five major demands, and the indispensable slogans" are another type of political slogans. They obviously think that they can take advantage of the "anti-revision" to make this temporary rise or If speculators enter the district boards, I am afraid that they will only make the council hall a place of quarrel and cannot practice the role. The more dangerous political leaders are those who try to create personal influence by cultivating the populist senses such as China-Hong Kong conflicts, even those who are under the banner of "Hong Kong independence."

Those who scream "empty Hong Kong, the revolution of the times", "five major demands, and indispensable" are other types of political leaders. They obviously think that they can take advantage of the "anti-revision". (Photo picture / Liang Pengwei photo)

Beyond politics, some people set a bad example in society, such as He Junyi, a controversial founding figure in the words and deeds, and earlier were convicted of ordinary attacks, dishonest access to computers and obstruction of public officials because of the mobile phone in the Legislative Council. Xu Zhifeng, a member of the Democratic Party who was convicted of performing duties. We doubt whether they have the virtues and qualities that politicians should have. The reason is very simple. If the district board members are not correct, how can they be convinced and deliver one of them to him? Apart from the amateurs who think that they should not be supported by voters in another list, we also list some candidates that we think are not suitable for district board members. I hope that Members will consider the peaceful and rational development of Hong Kong and cast a vote in line with the overall interests of Hong Kong.

▼Hong Kong 01 does not support the list of candidates ▼

▼List of other candidates in each district ▼




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