The Limited Times

Control a laboratory that uses medical aspartame instead of sugar in the manufacture of baby food in Hama

11/24/2019, 12:35:05 PM

Hama-Sana The elements of the Directorate of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection in Hama today seized a laboratory that uses aspart


Seizing elements of the Directorate of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection in Hama today a laboratory that uses medical aspartame instead of sugar in the manufacture of baby food "Jelly" in violation of health regulations and food standards.

Ziad Koussa, director of internal trade and consumer protection, told SANA that the elements found in the factory in the forty district of Hama city, a quantity of aspartame, which is prohibited to be used for non-medical and pharmaceutical purposes. Healthy.

He pointed out that the seizure was organized against the factory and closed and referred the owner to the judiciary.

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