The Limited Times

Last year, an average of 16,000 tons of garbage to landfills per capita abandoned 1.53 kilograms and reached a new high

11/25/2019, 1:11:10 PM

The EPD today (25th) announced the "Statistics of the Hong Kong Solid Waste Monitoring Report for 2018". The total amount of solid waste disposed of at the landfills in Hong Kong last year was 5.87 million tonnes. The average daily disposal was 16,000 tonnes, up 3.7 per annum. %. The per capita disposal of municipal solid waste was 1.53 kg per day, surpassing the 1.45 kg in 2017, and the figure reached a new high of 28 years. The government's goal of reducing waste was failed.

Social News

Written by: Yuan Wei

2019-11-25 21:01

Last updated: 2019-11-25 21:01

The EPD today (25th) announced the "Statistics of the Hong Kong Solid Waste Monitoring Report for 2018". The total amount of solid waste disposed of at the landfills in Hong Kong last year was 5.87 million tonnes. The average daily disposal was 16,000 tonnes, up 3.7 per annum. %. The per capita disposal of municipal solid waste was 1.53 kg per day, surpassing the 1.45 kg in 2017, and the figure reached a new high of 28 years. The government's goal of reducing waste was failed.

In 2017, the per capita daily waste disposal volume in Hong Kong was 1.53 kg, a record high of 28 years. (data picture)

Per capita daily abandonment of 1.53 kg for 28 years

According to the monitoring report, the total amount of solid waste disposed of at the landfills in Hong Kong last year was 5.87 million tonnes, with an average daily abandonment of 16,000 tonnes, up 3.7% year-on-year. Among them, the amount of solid waste disposed was an average of 11,400 metric tons per day, an increase of 6.5% over 2017. Nearly 70% of the household waste is household waste, with an average daily disposal of 6,712 tonnes, an increase of 4.8% over 2017. Excluding the population growth factor, the per capita disposal of municipal solid waste is 1.53 kg per day, which is higher than 1.45 kg in 2017. However, the per capita disposal of municipal solid waste in 2018 is 1.50 per day without the impact of typhoon mangosteen. Kg (excluding the "Mangosteen" affecting the month from September to November). In addition, the amount of industrial and commercial waste disposed was 4,716 metric tons per day, an increase of 8.9% over 2017. The EPD said that the increase in industrial and commercial waste disposal was due to local economic growth.

In 2013, the Environment Bureau launched the "Hong Kong Resource Cycle Blueprint 2013-2022", setting a waste reduction target of 0.8 kg or less per person per day in 2022, while the medium-term target is to reduce the daily disposables per person in 2017. To 1 kilogram or less, this year has not only failed to meet the standard, but also set the highest number in 28 years. A spokesman for the EPD said that the Government will continue to fully implement the various measures for waste reduction and recycling in the blueprint.

Total solid waste and main waste category maps disposed of at landfills in 2018. (Urban Solid Waste Monitoring Report 2018 Statistics)

The amount of food waste and waste electrical and electronic products dropped

According to waste composition analysis, kitchen waste is the largest component of municipal solid waste in 2018, accounting for 31%, followed by waste paper and waste plastics, accounting for 24% and 21% respectively, similar to the proportion of municipal solid waste in 2017. . The EPD said that with the completion of the first phase of the Siu Ho Wan Organic Resource Recycling Centre and the launch of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Products Producer Responsibility Scheme, the waste disposal of food waste and waste electrical and electronic products decreased by 2.6% and 7.8% respectively.

The Government has submitted the Municipal Solid Waste Charging Bill to the Legislative Council in November 2018. In response to the plan, a number of recycling bins have been added to estates. (Photo/Deng Qianying)

Recovery rate: metal, construction waste recycling rate of up to 90%, paper and plastic recycling rate fell

The number of companies engaged in the production of raw materials or remanufactured materials in Hong Kong is limited. The market price and outlets of recyclable materials in Hong Kong have been dominated by the external market environment for many years. In recent years, the peripheral recyclable materials market has continued to slump, and the strict implementation of import control policies in the surrounding areas of Hong Kong has affected local overall recycling performance. The recovery rate of municipal solid waste in 2018 is 30%, which is 2% lower than that of 2017. However, metal recyclates still recorded the highest recovery rate of 90% in each recycled material. The first phase of the Organic Resource Recycling Center was launched in 2018, which resulted in an annual increase of 84% in kitchen waste recycling compared to 2017.

As regards construction waste, the recovery rate of inert C&D materials recovered through public fill reception facilities and other channels in 2018 continued to be at a high level of over 90% compared with 2017, while the total amount of construction waste disposed of at landfills was 3% less than in 2017. The EPD's analysis may be partly due to the government's increase in construction waste disposal fees since April 2017. Strengthening incentives to encourage the industry to reduce and recycle C&D materials and reduce disposal.

The recovery rate of paper-based recycled materials decreased from 46% to 41%, which was caused by the continuous increase in waste paper disposal at landfills. The recovery rate of plastic recycled materials also fell from 13% to 7%. The EPD said that local recycling is gradually changing its operating model to cope with the increasingly stringent import control policy, but it still takes time and the current rebuilding capacity has not been absorbed. More waste plastic.

Environmental groups: Government waste reduction transcripts continue to "fat" PET plastic is the worst link

In response to this newly released "Reduction of Waste Report", the environmental protection group "Green Earth" said that the government continued to reduce waste, not only the per capita daily disposal volume was the highest since 1991, waste paper, waste rubber, industrial waste. The sharp increase is "to offset the reduction in waste in recent years." Among them, although PET plastics abandoned 139 metric tons on average, 2 metric tons more than in 2017, due to the tightening of imports from the Mainland and the average export price dropped by 2/3, the recovery of PET plastic smashed 97%, and the recovery rate was only 0.2% is the worst part of waste reduction. The group suggested that the government should speed up the pace of central rubber collection and implement the plastics producer responsibility regulations as soon as possible to save the collapsed recycling system.

Apart from this, "Green Planet" considers that the disposal of waste plastic bags has increased significantly and the recovery rate of waste paper has continued to fall by 41%. The group appealed to the Government to review and strengthen its concern. In the case of industrial waste, "Green Earth" refers to the unusually large increase in industrial waste disposal for two consecutive years. The group believes that this is related to the Mainland's 2018 comprehensive restriction on the import of "foreign waste" policy. To prevent the influx of low-end industrial waste from outside, and to treat Hong Kong as a "garbage post."

A spokesman for the EPD said that the Government would continue to fully implement the waste reduction and recycling initiatives in the "Hong Kong Resource Cycle Blueprint 2013-2022". The Urban Solid Waste Charge Bill was introduced into the Legislative Council in November 2018. The EPD continues to cooperate with the deliberations of the Legislative Council. In promoting the recycling of resources, the EPD will continue to implement various policies. Following the full implementation of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Products Producer Responsibility Scheme in August 2018, the "Glass Beverage Container Producer Responsibility Scheme" will be gradually implemented.

The EPD has stopped collecting glass for food in the "social situation" and has taken care of itself to recycle and reuse it.

Green cherished the earth and approved Hong Kong as a waste plastic free port called the government to do a good job

[Recycling] Green Earth Workshop teaches you to change the old banners into cards.

Green Earth: If the Hong Kong Government introduces a policy of plastic bottles, it must be used to prevent foreign garbage.

The green earth refers to the "low-end" waste rubber accounted for nearly 90% of the total, and the government should not abandon recycling.

EPD Environmental Protection Park Garbage Collection Electronic Garbage Collection/Waste Recycling Station Recycling Environmental Protection