The Limited Times

Runoff election: Romania's President John I re-elected

11/25/2019, 11:44:04 AM

He describes himself as a "firefighter who has saved Romania from collapse": Now Romania's President Klaus Iohannis prevailed in the runoff election.

By a clear majority Klaus Iohannis was confirmed in the run-off election for the Romanian presidency on Sunday. The bourgeois politician received on Sunday 65.88 percent of the vote, said the electoral authority in Bucharest after counting 99.67 percent of the vote on Monday.

He was clearly ahead of his Social Democratic opponent Viorica Dancila, which came after this state of counting to 34.12 percent. The official final result should be available in a few days. Supported by the bourgeois governing party PNL, Iohannis is considered a bourgeois and a pro-European.

"A modern, European, normal Romania has won today," he said to supporters and promised to be "president of all Romanians". Critics accuse him of coldness and a lack of charisma.

Johannis visited Donald Trump twice

In the run-up to the election, the former physics professor promised to end the corruption in Romania together with the new government under the PNL. During his term of office, Iohannis proved to be an ally of US President Donald Trump. He visited him twice in the White House. He praised him as a politician who "could solve the corruption problems in Romania".

From 2000 to 2014, Iohannis was mayor of his hometown Sibiu (Hermannstadt), where many members of the German minority used to live. After Romania's accession to the EU in 2007, many Romanians with German roots emigrated to Germany - including Iohannis' parents.

Despite his own family history, Iohannis appealed to his countrymen to return: "I am Romanian, I have decided to stay and I am proud of it."