The Limited Times

Dilan Cruz's death, amid protests in Colombia, was "violent" and a "homicide," says Legal Medicine

11/28/2019, 8:11:13 PM

Dilan Cruz, 18, was seriously injured in the head by a shot from the Mobile Riot Squadron, ESMAD, during a peaceful demonstration on November 23 in Bogotá.

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(CNN Spanish) - Colombian student Dilan Cruz died as a result of a shot.

This was confirmed on Thursday by the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in a statement.

According to the ballistic study, a “bean bag” multiple-load cartridge fired from a shotgun, 12-caliber firearm was identified. The report described the death as “violent” and “homicide.”

The 18-year-old was seriously injured in the head by a shot from the Mobile Anti-Riot Squadron, ESMAD, during a peaceful demonstration on November 23 in Bogotá. Cruz died Monday at the hospital where he had been transferred.

In a statement, the director of the Institute of Legal Medicine, Claudia García, reported that evidence was analyzed of the place where Cruz was injured, as well as the hospital where he was transferred. With both results they concluded that the craniocerebral trauma was caused by an “impact ammunition”.

The statement added that both autopsy and ballistics reports will be delivered to the Attorney General’s Office on Thursday.

Protests in Colombia

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