The Limited Times

In a message to the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People: We Support the Right to Self-Determination, the Establishment of an Independent State and the Right of Return of Refugees

11/28/2019, 3:05:06 PM

New York-Sana held

New York-Sana

The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People held its annual meeting yesterday on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, which will be held tomorrow in the presence of the President of the United Nations General Assembly, the President of the Security Council and the Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Walid al-Moallem in a message of solidarity read out during the meeting that decades have passed since the Israeli occupation of Arab territories during which the United Nations adopted a large number of resolutions demanding "Israel" to end this occupation and to withdraw from all occupied Arab territories to the fourth line June 1967 and the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Minister al-Moallem added that it is regrettable that the United Nations continues to be handcuffed and unable to put its decisions into effect, to oblige the Israeli occupation authorities to systematically stop war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by them and to respect international law, international humanitarian law and human rights instruments as a result of the support provided by the permanent members. In the Security Council of "Israel" in great disregard for international law and resolutions of international legitimacy.

Al-Moallem stressed that the lack of real will of some Western countries that support "Israel" in addition to the lack of mechanisms to enforce the implementation of Security Council resolutions on the Arab-Israeli conflict led to the continuation of the occupation by committing crimes against our people in the Palestinian territories and the occupied Syrian Golan.

Minister al-Moallem stressed that the American president's decisions to recognize the annexation of Jerusalem to the occupation entity and in his other decision, which he called Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Syrian Golan, in addition to trying to pass and market the so-called deal of the century come within the framework of liquidating the historical and inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and the rest of the occupied Arab territories in The Golan and South Lebanon.

He pointed out that it is no secret to what is being done by "Israel" support for terrorists and their organizations in Syria for more than eight years in order to weaken Syria and its role in defending the inalienable and inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

On this occasion, Minister Al-Moallem stressed the firm and principled position of the Syrian Arab Republic in support of the Palestinian people's right to self-determination and the establishment of an independent state on all its national territory with Jerusalem as its capital and guaranteeing the right of return for refugees in accordance with Resolution 194 of 1948. The pressure to dissuade it from its positions, at the heart of which is the ending of the Palestinian issue, which Syria considers its central issue, will not provide an effort to end the Israeli occupation of the occupied Arab territories, including the occupied Syrian Golan.

At the end of the letter, Al-Moallem reiterated the Syrian Arab Republic's call on the UN member states to shoulder their responsibilities to end the suffering of the Palestinian people and to take serious and concrete steps to end the Israeli occupation of Arab lands, including the occupied Syrian Golan, and withdraw from it to the line of June 4, 1967 and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. In accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions, notably Security Council resolutions 242, 338 and 497.

For his part, Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres renewed the commitment of the United Nations and its commitment to the rights of the Palestinian people, stressing that it will not "budge" in this commitment and is doing its utmost to achieve the inalienable rights.

Guterres explained in a letter read by his office chief that the escalation of settlement operations, the demolition of Palestinian homes and the aggravation of suffering in the Gaza Strip must stop, stressing that the establishment of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, has no legal legitimacy and is a flagrant violation of international law. As stated in Security Council resolution 2334 of 2016.

"These actions portend the elimination of the feasibility of establishing a Palestinian state based on the relevant UN resolutions," he said.
Guterres stressed that a just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue will be achieved only through negotiations supported by the international community, in which the long-established UN resolutions and long-established principles will be adhered to.

Several speeches were made during the meeting, including the speech of the representative of Azerbaijan on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement and the representative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to the United Nations and the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka as Chairperson of the Commission of Inquiry into Israeli Practices and Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Arab Territories. His inalienable rights and the establishment of his independent state are condemned by Israeli practices and violations.

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