The Limited Times

Government withdraws funding for university medical teaching facilities: Almost all constitutional schools do n’t support sudden reform

11/29/2019, 2:20:13 PM

The government stated that it had withdrawn three grants related to medical teaching facilities in universities due to "concerns from members of the congress", including the construction of a teaching and research complex in the Chinese University of China in Tai Po; the upgrading of the University of Hong Kong's facilities and the development of the medical school campus; PolyU medical teaching Building construction plan. Which congressmen's concerns can cause the government to withdraw the three projects? The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), Jiang Liyun, said today (29) that according to her understanding, the government had contacted different members of the government, and some members confessed that they would not support the project, causing the government to worry that there were not enough votes to pass. Some non-formist sources have revealed that almost all constitutional reforms do not support the sudden reform. If the government "hard pushes" the review, once the funding is not approved, it must be submitted to the next legislative year for review. However, there is still "front-line vitality" for the temporary withdrawal. "You can try to re-examine items this year. The Food and Health Bureau responded for the first time to point out that some Members "concerned about the security and overall design of the new teaching facilities of universities".

Social News

Written by: Zheng Cuibi, Hu Jiaxin

2019-11-29 22:07

Last updated: 2019-11-29 22:08

The government stated that it had withdrawn three grants related to medical teaching facilities in universities due to "concerns from members of the congress", including the construction of a teaching and research complex in the Chinese University of China in Tai Po; the upgrading of the University of Hong Kong's facilities and the development of the medical school campus; PolyU medical teaching Building construction plan.

Which congressmen's concerns can cause the government to withdraw the three projects? The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), Jiang Liyun, said today (29) that according to her understanding, the government had contacted different members of the government, and some members confessed that they would not support the project, causing the government to worry that there were not enough votes to pass. Some non-formist sources have revealed that almost all constitutional reforms do not support the sudden reform. If the government "hard pushes" the review, once the funding is not approved, it must be submitted to the next legislative year for review. However, there is still "front-line vitality" for the temporary withdrawal. "You can try to re-examine items this year.

The Food and Health Bureau responded for the first time to point out that some Members "concerned about the security and overall design of the new teaching facilities of universities".

Jiang Liyun also admitted that she had reservations about the medical teaching facilities of the three universities. (Profile picture / Photo by Deng Qianying)

Jiang Liyun: Some citizens are very angry about blocking roads for college students

The Secretary for the Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Lau Yi Cheung, said in response to a question today that the Administration needs more time to lobby and explain because the Food and Health Bureau has received the attention of different members of the Council. The Bureau only temporarily withdraws rather than picks up the project.

In response to the inquiry of "Hong Kong 01", Jiang Liyun of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB) stated that according to her understanding, the government has contacted different members of the government. Some members have not stated whether they support the project, and some members have confessed that they will not support the project. In order to avoid being rejected, the only thing to do is to pull up the project. The reason why some members do not support the project is that they have learned that some citizens are very angry about college students ’road blockades and think that the government should not put the project on the Legislative Council for review when the situation is“ hot. ”

The public medical system has been exploding for a long time. During the peak period, it is necessary to continuously increase the number of beds in the corridor, and the government has always emphasized that the medical staff is insufficient. (Profile picture)

Jiang Liyun: Do you have enough classrooms? University is big!

Jiang Liyun also admitted that she had reservations about the project. She explained that she was not opposed to adding medical-related equipment and facilities to the university, such as the human anatomy room, but she believed that there was already a large amount of space and rooms in the university, that she did not believe that students had nowhere to attend classes, and did not agree with the need to build a brand new building. Do you have enough classrooms? The university is big! The number of people who go to college late will be fewer and fewer! "She believes that directly subsidizing students to medical related subjects is more helpful for training related talents. She denied that the objection to the funding was related to recent social events. "I am not at odds with the university. I am only interested in the performance of some college students to deal with university mischief?"

She also pointed out that she was worried that Hong Kong's economy would continue to slump, and that she would endeavor to monitor all expenditures in the treasury in the future. "Hospitals can give priority to funding, but other icing on the cake is Hold (reserve) first." The appropriation was appropriate, but was informed only after the government proposed a withdrawal. The government did not know her opinions beforehand.

Source: Temporary withdrawal still has "frontline vitality"

Sources revealed that the government raised funding for PolyU ’s expansion project on the day of the Finance Committee because almost all the establishment factions suddenly indicated to the government that they would not support the funding. The government took into account the insufficient number of support votes. If it is not approved, it will be submitted to the next legislative year for review. However, there is still “front-line vitality” for the temporary withdrawal.

Wu Xian revealed that the current university classrooms are not enough to accommodate all students, and some medical students need to sit on the ground and go up the stairs. (Photo / Photo by Liang Pengwei)

Yun Xian: Medical students with insufficient classrooms sit on the stairs

The government's withdrawal of appropriations has caused dissatisfaction among frontline doctors. Chairman of the Frontline Doctors Union Jianwen criticized that the government has always emphasized the shortage of medical staff, but this time it has drawn up the project without any justification. "It contradicts what I advocate. It surprises me and I will question the department. It has something to do with recent social events. "He pointed out that the government requires universities to increase the number of places in medical care and related subjects, but reduces funding, which will affect the effectiveness and quality of training and medical care, and requires the government to clearly explain the reasons for withdrawal and remedial measures.

Wu Xian, vice chairman of the Frontline Doctors Alliance, pointed out that the current university classrooms are not enough to accommodate all students, there are medical students who need to sit on the ground and stairs, and the dissection room is not sufficient. "Students can be forced to bury, but they are safe!" She To be frank, if there is no equipment and matching, only the number of doctors and nurses will not help the overall training, bombarding the government is difficult for all Hong Kong people, "when the patient is a no stake (non-stakeholder)!" She also criticized the institutionalists for losing the district I want revenge in the parliamentary election, not for the sake of Hong Kong people, "very small family!"

Ma Zhongyi criticized the government for doing the opposite, which made the doctor very angry. (Profile picture / Photo by Chen Rongrong)

The chairman of the Hong Kong Public Medical Doctors Association, Ma Zhongyi, also said that the government ’s practice has made doctors very angry. She pointed out that the number of patients and medical needs have been increasing, and the flu peak and demonstrations have also increased the number of patients in hospitals. The burden of public hospital care is already heavy, and universities Hospital locations are often inadequate, leading to the need for some medical students' pre-education and simulation teaching to be transferred to other public hospitals, making medical care more "unable." Frontline medical care hopes that the university teaching environment can be improved and pressure on public hospitals can be reduced.

She scolded the government for going the other way, reducing funding from the source, and the project was approved by other groups in the Legislative Council before it was withdrawn at a critical moment. It was very unusual to ask Members "Does it really work for the public?"

CUHK expects all sectors of the community to support the "Medical Education Facilities Enhancement Project" to maintain Hong Kong's world-class medical education level. (Profile picture)

Community Organizations Association: Politics Should Not Overtake People's Livelihood

The Community Organizations Association also pointed out that drawing up funding for the expansion of the medical school will delay the development of the two major medical schools, hinder the work of local medical research and teaching, and is not in the interest of patients and social well-being. The HKCSS requested the government to submit an application for funding to the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council as soon as possible, and the Legislative Council should unanimously implement the principle of "politics should not override the people's livelihood" during its deliberations to avoid affecting such important livelihood issues as the training of local doctors and the development of medical research .

The CUHK Medical School stated that it has been maintaining close contact and communication with the government and various stakeholders on the "medical education facilities upgrading project" of the medical school. The project is very important to cope with the increase in medical science and the increasing demand for teaching and research. The long-term impact of Hong Kong's long-term medical quality, medical personnel training and medical disciplines is profound. CUHK expects all sectors of the community to support relevant projects to maintain Hong Kong's world-class medical education standard.

HKU did not reply before the deadline.

Government draws up PolyU project funding involving 1.8 billion principals Teng Jinguang urges funding as soon as possible without causing too much delay

Democrats question government's use of medical funding to retaliate against college student Liu Yixiang, saying non-targeted university

Why isn't medical teaching funding just a matter for universities?

Food and Health Bureau: Some Members are concerned about facility security and design

The Food and Health Bureau stated for the first time when responding to enquiries that, as some members expressed concern about the medical teaching facilities project, "which includes concerns about the security and overall design of new university teaching facilities," the authorities believed that more time was needed to explain to members Therefore, it is proposed to withdraw the relevant project. After explaining clearly to Members, the Bureau will strive to re-submit the relevant items to the Finance Committee for review as soon as possible in this legislative year. The CAB also stated that it has been in close contact with the three universities to explain to them the latest developments and they understand the arrangements. The Food and Health Bureau continued that in addition to increasing local medical training places and upgrading medical teaching facilities in universities, the government will also continue to adopt a multi-pronged approach, including attracting more non-locally trained doctors to come to Hong Kong to serve and take advantage of "special retirement Post-re-employment plan "to address the shortage of doctors in the public healthcare system.

CUHK Chinese University Hospital Hong Kong University School of Medicine The University of Hong Kong Polytechnic University Legislative Council Food and Health Bureau Public Medical Doctors Association Shortage of Medical Staff