The Limited Times

[Fugitives Ordinance] More than 1,000 Wong Tai Sin Celebrate Democrats' Seizure of All District Councils

11/30/2019, 3:38:08 PM

In the district board elections this Sunday (24th), the Democrats gained control of more than half of the 17 district boards, of which 25 seats in the Wong Tai Sin District were put into the hands of democratic candidates. Some netizens launched the Wong Tai Sin "Wish Victory Fair" tonight (30th). At 8 pm, more than a hundred people gathered in Wong Tai Sin Plaza, including many elderly and young people. The Zhu Jie Conference started at 8:15 pm. The participants shouted slogans such as "Recover Hong Kong, the Revolution of the Times", and the atmosphere was high. A minute of silence was observed at the meeting to commemorate those who were killed or injured in the incident. The attendees opened their palms and reiterated that "the five major demands are indispensable." About 1,000 people attended.

Social News

Written by: Li Enci

2019-11-30 23:23

Last updated: 2019-11-30 23:25

In the district board elections this Sunday (24th), the Democrats gained control of more than half of the 17 district boards, of which 25 seats in the Wong Tai Sin District were put into the hands of democratic candidates. Some netizens launched the Wong Tai Sin "Wish Victory Fair" tonight (30th). At 8 pm, more than a hundred people gathered in Wong Tai Sin Plaza, including many elderly and young people.

The Zhu Jie Conference started at 8:15 pm. The participants shouted slogans such as "Recover Hong Kong, the Revolution of the Times", and the atmosphere was high. A minute of silence was observed at the meeting to commemorate those who were killed or injured in the incident. The attendees opened their palms and reiterated that "the five major demands are indispensable." About 1,000 people attended.

At 8 pm, more than a hundred people gathered in Wong Tai Sin Square to attend the district council election. (Photo by Luo Junhao)

22 district councillors appointed

The host of the rally said that 22 district councillors-designate were tonight. The members of each quasi-district came to the stage to thank the neighborhood for their support, and some members spoke.

Cuizhu and Pengcheng District District Board member Yu Hanbang said that the struggle is not for elections, but elections are for resistance. As a district board member, he must work hard, "until the five major appeals are resolved with the dissolution of the police force." Xu Jincheng said that quasi-district members know their burdens well and will do their best to fight and live up to expectations. The candidate of the Zhuyuan North District, Zheng Zijian, urged the neighborhood not to waste time and pay more attention to the community in the next four years.

District Councillor Mo Jiaxian, a member of the District Council of Qiongfu District, said that true justice, freedom and democracy have not yet been fully manifested in this district election. She urged everyone not to give up the remaining 40% of the "Blue" voters. Blue to yellow! All people in Hong Kong must vote against the government! "

At 8 pm, more than a hundred people gathered in Wong Tai Sin Square to attend the district council election. (Photo by Luo Junhao)

Hu Zhiwei's Message Prospective District Councillor: Make a Bridge

Democratic Party Chairman Hu Zhiwei came to the stage to speak as a neighborhood. "District councillors are useless, and Zhuang first is useful!" He pointed out that the biggest function of district councillors is to "build bridges." "Investigation Committee of Wong Tai Sin" to investigate police riots. He went on to say that district councillors have "functions that can be large or small and have unlimited creativity." They hope that the non-formalists will take 452 seats in the next district election.

At around 9 pm, the conference held a "cut and roast pig" session. The host said: "Thank you to Wong Tai Sin for blessing the neighbourhood, and hope that Tai Sin will continue to bless the people of Hong Kong." The crowd on the stage continued to shout, "Little sister!"

Later, the host said that the masses could "freely move" until 10 pm, and invited the neighborhood to take the stage to eat roast pork. Someone opened the champagne, which dampened the reporter's camcorder, and the atmosphere was very warm. During the conference, songs such as "Happy", "The Legend of Immortality" and "The Bottom of the Boiler" were played, and the crowd chased and played, as if they were partying in a square.

At 10 pm, the conference broadcast "May the glory return to Hong Kong" again. The host announced the end of the celebration and called on the masses to participate in the parade tomorrow. After the crowd shouted "Hear the sun!" Several times, they slowly dispersed.

At 8 pm, more than a hundred people gathered in Wong Tai Sin Square to attend the district council election. (Photo by Luo Junhao)

Neighborhood: Democrats are proud to win all seats !

Miss Zhu, who lives in Ciyun Mountain, said, "Huang Daxian won all seats, so happy, because this election is equivalent to the referendum." She also said that she was surprised by the result of the vote, because there were many grassroots and elderly people living in the district. "I feel so proud to be a Wong Tai Sin, according to my family! People around me know that I live in Wong Tai Sin!"

She hopes that District Councillor Huang Yixu will "make a good community" after taking office. Among them, improving transportation facilities is particularly important. "There are a lot of elderly people in the area, so I have to wait in line for Chengri. The 37m minibus to the Wong Tai Sin Station is less than one point, and the team hits a few snake cakes every day." She continued, earlier in Tsz Wan The flyover built at the Mountain Center is "good waste, no pedestrians." I hope that district councillors can ask residents' opinions before implementing the construction. She also confessed that she most hoped that the district board members could "play the role of the Legislative Council" to check and balance the government and the constituents.

Residents shouted slogans by holding up the "five major demands" gesture. (Photo by Luo Junhao)

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Wong Tai Sin Fugitive Ordinance District Council District Council Election 2019