The Limited Times

Six people from Taihe Lennon Wall announced that they were intercepted and dissatisfied with the police and evacuated

11/30/2019, 3:02:08 PM

At about 10 pm this (30th), a suspected post was posted in the Lennon Wall tunnel near Taihe Taihu Garden, and the police arrived to intercept the scene, including checking the identity card and searching the body. The tunnel entrance and exit were once closed for investigation. Huang Zhaojian, a new member of Yuntoutang District and a bloody citizen, came to the scene to understand and broadcast live. He was also intercepted and searched. According to the live broadcast, Huang Zhaojian pointed out that there are at least six


Written by: Yang Wanting, Chen Haoran

2019-11-30 22:55

Last updated: 2019-11-30 22:55

At about 10 pm this (30th), a suspected post was posted in the Lennon Wall tunnel near Taihe Taihu Garden, and the police arrived to intercept the scene, including checking the identity card and searching the body. The tunnel entrance and exit were once closed for investigation. Huang Zhaojian, a new member of Yuntoutang District and a bloody citizen, came to the scene to understand and broadcast live. He was also intercepted and searched.

According to the live broadcast, Huang Zhaojian said that at least six people were intercepted by about ten police officers. Police officers questioned whether Huang Zhaojian supported people to post street tricks. Huang Ran asked, "Are you a FEHD?" He constantly reminded the police to be careful when placing orders and yelled, "Is a neighborhood and a good man!" Ask the police officer to "get off the team." At 10:20 pm, the police officers at the scene evacuated, and the neighborhood was emotional. They continually accused the police officer, "Little cock, catch it!" Huang Zhaojian said on the live broadcast that the person being intercepted had been released.

Fugitive Offenders Ordinance