The Limited Times

Malta's premier Joseph Muscat resigns in January

11/30/2019, 6:29:08 PM

Joseph Muscat draws the consequences of the scandal surrounding the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. Previously, Maltese politicians were in the focus of the investigators advised.

Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat will resign his post until 18 January next year. He draws the consequences of the scandal surrounding the murdered journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. Muscat will resign from his office as soon as his party has elected a new chairman, it was said on Saturday, according to his party.

From diplomatic circles it was said on Saturday, it is expected that Muscat announces his resignation as soon as charges are brought against the alleged mastermind of the murder. The journalist's family has long accused Muscat of covering the perpetrators.

Caruana Galizia was killed on 16 October 2017 by a car bomb. Among other things, the 53-year-old researched corruption in the government and business people in Malta. Three men were arrested and charged. They were said to have built and detonated the explosive device. Who inspired her is so far unclear.

Muscat's chief of staff and the minister of tourism stepped down from him

Muscats former chief of staff Keith Schembri had recently resigned from his post against the background of the murder investigation. According to media reports, he was arrested on Tuesday and released on Thursday. (Read more about the background here.) Muscat itself came under increasing pressure.

Schembri and former Energy and Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi had been accused by Caruana Galizia of accepting bribes from a businessman. It was about the construction of a gas power plant. Mizzi also resigned on Tuesday. Economics Minister Chris Cardona announced that he is leaving office. Also about him the journalist had reported at the time.

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