The Limited Times

Draft e-cigarette ban has an undercurrent, Shao Jiahui advocates smoking a heated cigarette: otherwise, all means will be used to hinder legislation

12/1/2019, 11:23:09 AM

Anti-revision storms have severely undermined the government's governance, and controversial policies have hit the rocks at any time. Last year, the government proposed a ban on the sale of alternative tobacco products such as e-cigarettes, heated tobacco, and herbal tobacco, which caused a strong rebound in the industry and "smokers." These new smoking products are hazardous to health and create second-hand smoke. Liberal Shao Jiahui, a member of the Liberal Party ’s wholesale and retail sector, criticized the government ’s bundling of e-cigarettes and heating cigarettes as a “bo”. He believes that heating cigarettes are less harmful and the government should not exploit the choice of citizens. If the government does not smoke heating cigarettes, it will use By all means preventing legislation, the draft will "end of life" by the end of this year's Legislative Council next July.


Written by: Chen Jialuo

2019-12-01 19:18

Last updated: 2019-12-01 19:18

Anti-revision storms have severely undermined the government's governance, and controversial policies have hit the rocks at any time. Last year, the government proposed a ban on the sale of alternative tobacco products such as e-cigarettes, heated tobacco, and herbal tobacco, which caused a strong rebound in the industry and "smokers." These new smoking products are hazardous to health and create second-hand smoke.

Liberal Shao Jiahui, a member of the Liberal Party ’s wholesale and retail sector, criticized the government ’s bundling of e-cigarettes and heating cigarettes as a “bo”. He believes that heating cigarettes are less harmful and the government should not exploit the choice of citizens. If the government does not smoke heating cigarettes, it will use By all means preventing legislation, the draft will "end of life" by the end of this year's Legislative Council next July.

A patient in Illinois suffered severe disease in the lungs after smoking an e-cigarette and died. (Visual China)

Government stiffens "full ban"

The Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Bill 2019 has been read for the first and second time in the Legislative Council in February this year. The relevant bill committee will hold its seventh meeting tomorrow (2nd) to continue discussions on the ban on the import, manufacture or sale of electronics Smoke, heated tobacco and alternative smoking products. Before the summer vacation, the committee had passed a motion proposed by the People's Force Chen Zhiquan, asking the government to suspend the work of legislative amendments. Several formed political parties had been shaken by the Liberal Party Shao Jiahui, including the DAB who held 13 votes.

However, after a different summer vacation, the government's position has not changed. Recently, when the Food and Health Administration interviewed members of the Diet, it stated that it would not handle e-cigarettes and heated cigarettes separately, reiterating that all new smoking products are harmful to health and manufacturing second-hand smoke, and must be implemented. Comprehensive ban to prevent all emerging alternative smoking products from entering and rooting the market.

A member of the Legislative Council of the wholesale and retail sector, Shao Jiahui, pointed out that in response to demonstrations in Hong Kong, the retail market in Hong Kong may continue to be affected. (Profile picture)

Customs cracks down on heating cigarettes in two phases of "Lang Ri" operation inspection of 7.3 million yuan detained 58 people

[E-cigarette heats up cigarettes] Newspaper vendor alliance bans display of cigarette packs

[Policy Forum] Deepening the scourge of heating and e-cigarettes to prevent young people from inhaling the first nicotine

Shao Jiahui: Heating smoke hurts less than electronic cigarettes

The industry has been arguing that heated cigarettes are less harmful and more acceptable than traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes, but the government quoted the WHO ’s global tobacco epidemic report published in July this year, which mentioned that heated tobacco contains tobacco and will release the same smoke as cigarette smoke. Similar toxic substances found in Shao Jiahui said that heating cigarettes are undoubtedly harmful to the human body, but they must be less harmful than e-cigarettes. Because of the complex composition of e-cigarettes, there is potential harm and the price is flat, but heating cigarettes burn without ignition and have no smoke smell. Why not ban traditional cigarettes? ..... Sugar and salt are harmful, and the government can't help it? "

Shao Jiahui said that if the government does not smoke heated cigarettes for separate processing, it will use all means to hinder legislation, and it may not pass before the Legislative Council adjourns in July next year. The Heated Smoke Concern Group will petition at the Legislative Council tomorrow morning, and cross-party legislative assemblies of the Legislative Council will be present, including the NLD Wu Yongjia, Democratic District Noxuan, and Chen Zhiquan. And OK.

Electronic Cigarette Heats Smoke Liberal Party Shao Jiahui