The Limited Times

Homs .. Students of the Institute of Commercial and Banking Technology return to the headquarters after rehabilitation

12/1/2019, 1:59:09 PM

Homs-Sana The Directorate of Education in Homs has returned the students of the Institute of Commercial and Banking Technology to the headquarters of the Institute


The Directorate of Education in Homs returned students of the Institute of Commercial and Banking Technology to the headquarters of the Institute on the highway of Homs Hama after rehabilitation and equipping it from the damage caused by terrorism.

Abdul Halim Al-Saeed, director of the institute, told SANA that terrorist attacks prevented students from reaching the institute, which was stolen equipment and sabotaged furniture, windows and doors by terrorists, pointing out that the directorate invested it for nearly four years as a school for pupils of neighborhoods and areas liberated by the Syrian Arab Army from terrorism. As the neighborhoods of the palaces and Khalidiya test center for the testimony of the sons of the northern countryside and currently returned to the students to be the seat of their studies.

In turn, Eng. Mohammed Al-Aboud, Assistant Director of Education for Vocational and Technical Education, said that the students of the Institute of Commercial and Technological Banking continued to study at the temporary headquarters in the branch of the printing institution in the district of Akrama during the years of crisis after they could not reach it, noting the remarkable demand for vocational education Vocational and technical on 17 trades in addition to the profession of participatory education with the Homs Chamber of Industry for the professions of mechanical manufacturing and clothing manufacturing.

The last academic year was the graduation of about 140 students at the Institute of accounting and banking.