The Limited Times

The army foils an attack by terrorists on Kufraya village and destroys their last gathering in Ijaz village of Edlib countryside

12/1/2019, 1:47:15 PM

Idlib-Sana Units of the Syrian Army have destroyed the last terrorist gatherings in Ijaz village and destroyed two booby-trapped vehicles


Syrian Arab Army units have destroyed the last terrorist gatherings in Ijaz village and destroyed two booby-trapped vehicles attacked by terrorist groups in Kafaria village in Sinjar area of ​​Edlib countryside.

SANA correspondent in Hama said that army units clashed with terrorist groups who infiltrated the village of Ijaz and caused them losses of personnel and materiel, while the remaining members of their members moved towards their deployment areas in the southeastern countryside of Idlib.

The correspondent said that army units thwarted the attack of terrorist groups on the village of Kefraya and destroyed them two car bombs in parallel with fierce clashes fought with terrorists of the Takfiri organization on the axis of stables and drawing Roses in the southeastern countryside of Idlib and caused the loss of personnel and materiel among the terrorists.

In Idlib city and parts of its countryside, terrorist organizations affiliated with Jabhat al-Nusra are attacking army checkpoints, villages and safe towns, while army units continue their operations against terrorists in that area. Southeast after terrorists suffered personnel losses and materiel.

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