The Limited Times

The temperature is higher than normal and the atmosphere is partly cloudy to rainy

12/1/2019, 7:41:08 AM

DAMASCUS, (SANA) - Temperatures remain about 2 to 4 degrees Celsius higher than the climate affected by the country's climate


Temperatures remain about 2 to 4 degrees Celsius higher as a result of the country being affected by a superficial low-altitude spillover associated with western currents in the upper atmosphere.

The Meteorological Directorate expected in its publication today that the weather will be partly cloudy in general, turning to rainy over the north-western and coastal areas. The island has a low chance of precipitation in other areas.

The winds will be southeasterly in the east, the island and southwesterly in the southern and coastal areas with moderate active gusts and mild sea wave.

The weather will remain partly cloudy to cloudy rain over coastal and northern areas and be abundant and sometimes accompanied by thunder in the island region with a significant drop in temperatures, but remain higher than the average for such a period of the year.

Expected temperatures for days….

Sunday Monday Tuesday
Damascus 20/8 18/7 17/7
Kenitra 18/7 16/6 15/6
Daraa 21/9 19/8 18/8
Endosperm 19/8 17/7 16/7
chickpeas 19/7 17/6 16/6
Protectors 20/9 18/8 17/8
Hasakah 19/5 17/4 16/4
Lattakia 21/15 20/14 19/14
Tartous 21/14 20/13 19/13
Aleppo 16/7 14/6 13/6
Idlib 16/7 14/6 13/6
der alzoor 23/6 19/5 18/5
Tenderness 20/5 18/4 17/4