The Limited Times

Turkish occupation forces and mercenaries continue to kidnap youths and robbery of houses and robbed in Ras al-Ain

12/1/2019, 7:08:15 PM

Al-Hasakah-SANA The Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries from terrorist organizations continued their aggressive practices against the cities


The Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries from terrorist organizations continued their aggressive practices against civilians in the northwestern countryside of al-Hasakah. They arrested a number of youths and bulldozed houses in al-Dardara village.

According to SANA correspondent in al-Hasakah, terrorists raided a number of houses and set up roadblocks in the southern countryside of Ras al-Ain and kidnapped a number of young men on various charges and pretexts, while terrorists bulldozed a number of houses in the village of Dardara in the same countryside in parallel with the entry of a number of terrorist families from Turkey to Al-Sidah Street in Al-Mahatta neighborhood in the city and their housing in houses where the owners were displaced under pressure, kidnapping and threats.

The reporter, citing civil sources, pointed to sporadic gunfire and clashes between terrorist organizations against the background of the sharing of stolen goods and the occupation of civilian homes.

In the context of the practices of the American occupation, the reporter said that the American warplanes and helicopters carried out an intensive flight for several hours yesterday evening and today with the entry of a convoy of the American occupation forces consisting of 20 military vehicles and four-wheel drive vehicles and fuel trucks from Iraq to Al-Hasakah and heading towards their illegal bases near the oil fields in Deir Ezzor Governorate.

Since its aggression on Syrian territory on the 9th of last October, the forces of the Turkish regime and its mercenaries of terrorists have carried out criminal operations against the people and destroyed the infrastructure and service facilities, which led to a large displacement of civilians towards the cities of al-Hasakah and al-Qamishli.

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