The Limited Times

Burkina Faso: Attackers kill 14 people in church

12/1/2019, 9:35:09 PM

Once again, the West African Burkina Faso has been shaken by an attack on believers. The massacre in a church also killed children and the pastor.

An attack on a church in Burkina Faso, West Africa has killed 14 people. In addition, there were many injured, the local authorities said. The incident took place in Hantoukoura near the Niger border.

According to information from security circles stormed around a dozen heavily armed attackers the church. These would have "executed the faithful, including the pastor and children". Soldiers were on the search for the perpetrators who had escaped with motorcycles from the place of attack.

The West African country has seen a series of attacks on Christian institutions since February, killing 21 people by Sunday. For example, in May of this year, there were six victims of an attack on a church.

In Burkina Faso, about two-thirds of Muslims and one-third of Christians live. In addition to Christians, jihadist groups are also attacking Muslims whom they do not consider radical enough. In the past, both religions had lived in peaceful coexistence in the country.

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