The Limited Times

Zinin: Washington is trying in various ways to block the political solution to the crisis in Syria

12/3/2019, 5:35:15 PM

MOSCOW, (SANA) - Yuri Zinin, a senior researcher at the University of International Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has confirmed that


The United States is trying "in various ways" to block the political process of resolving the crisis in Syria by imposing its dictates on the constitutional discussion committee, said Yuri Zinin, senior researcher at the International Relations University of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Zinin said in an interview with SANA correspondent in Moscow today: "The Americans have failed to achieve their aims and malicious purposes since the beginning of the crisis in Syria as a result of the steadfastness of the Syrian people and its armed forces and therefore they seek to block the political process by all possible means," stressing that Washington is trying to justify its illegal military presence in Syrian territory by imposing its dictates on the decisions of the Constitution Discussion Committee and the Turkish regime delegation there.

He denounced the US State Department statement recently on the sessions of the Constitution Discussion Committee in Geneva, stressing that the US accusations and allegations to Syria in this regard are totally null and void.

An official source at the State Department and the expatriates said last Sunday that the statement issued by the US State Department on the sessions of the Constitutional Debate Committee in Geneva once again categorically confirms the US attempts to intervene in the affairs of states and impose its own agendas, most recently by interfering in the work of the committee.

In turn, the senior researcher at the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Russian Orientalism Boris Dolgov denounced the continued imposition of Western unilateral coercive economic measures on Syria, as well as the US administration to occupy its oil fields and looting.

In a similar interview, Dolgoff said that Washington's occupation of the Syrian oil fields and looting, as well as the imposition of unilateral economic measures by the West, in addition to the conditions of the terrorist war facing Syria, reflected negatively on the livelihood of the Syrian citizen and economy, expressing confidence that the Syrian people will be able to solve all these difficulties. With the help of his friends and allies.

On the other hand, Dolgov noted the "logical and righteous" proposals presented by the national delegation during the second round of the Constitutional Debate Committee, criticizing at the same time the Turkish regime delegation refused to discuss the agenda, which complicated the work of the Commission.

The chairman of the committee to discuss the constitution, Ahmed Al-Kuzbari, confirmed last Friday that the mini-committee was not able to hold any session during the second round in Geneva because of the Turkish regime delegation's refusal to discuss the national agenda and pillars.