The Limited Times

Siberian Solution - Magazine

12/5/2019, 4:01:34 PM

Two scientists, father and son. An apparently crazy idea: to bring the hands back in time, to the era of the mammoths, and thus combat global warming. It is the Pleistocene Park, 30 kilometers from Chersky, in the Russian arctic. On the roof of the world. ANSA visited him, the first Italian media to set foot in it.

In the end I did it. It took me almost 40 years but I managed to find the White Rabbit's lair. And I fell into it with joy. Only the wonderland is not in the English countryside - sorry for Lewis Carroll - but in Chersky, on the borders of Yakutia, beyond the Russian Arctic circle. It is here that in 1996 Serghei Zimov, now a legend in his field, founded the Pleistocene Park. An absurd idea, a mix between scientific experimentation and geoengineering as well as, perhaps, even a perfect real estate investment. In the White Rabbit's den, on the other hand, reality and dreams merge. For definition. What emerges is a new world. Where trees are the great enemies of man, the time available to save the permafrost (and therefore our civilization) has almost expired and the animals return to graze among the Arctic ice, just as it happened in the Pleistocene, the era in which as men we started making gods. Only the mammoths are missing. But not for long. Perhaps, if everything goes as it should go, before long there will also be those. The wonderland, indeed. Which offers us a tangible solution to stop, or at least mitigate, climate change by bringing the hands back in time. So now we must get comfortable and follow him, the White Rabbit. Because to tell the incredible it takes time. It's about life - ours.