The Limited Times

Bloomberg on presidential candidate: "Trump will eat them up"

12/6/2019, 5:56:48 PM

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg wants to become the next President of the United States. He sees the other Democratic candidates as a chance against Donald Trump.

Only late Michael Bloomberg has declared his presidential candidacy. Now the billionaire also says why. He looked at the Democratic candidates and said, "Donald Trump will eat them up."

Bloomberg said he already considered Donald Trump the "wrong person for the job" in 2016. He does not have the right temperament or ethical basis for it. That could not be good for four more years.

Bloomberg fears the planned health programs of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders would remove the voters in highly competitive even further from the Democrats, because they are likely to be very expensive. Still, it's the first time that the media mogul has been so harsh with his opponents.

The former mayor of New York is one of 15 Democrats who compete for the Democratic presidential candidacy. In a message to his candidacy, he said, "I'm a problem solver, not a gossip." He appears with a moderate mix of different democratic positions. (Read an analysis of Bloomberg's candidacy here).

At first he was not certified by experts as having great chances. But the media entrepreneur has at least financially enormous resources - and invested some of it in TV ads. Competitor Warren accused him therefore last, he buy himself the way to the candidacy.