The Limited Times

Fisk: More evidence reveals the Saudi regime's involvement in the arrival of weapons in terrorist organizations in Syria

12/7/2019, 11:57:02 AM

LONDON-SANA, British writer Robert Fisk has revealed that there is more evidence to reveal the Saudi regime's involvement in


British writer Robert Fisk revealed that there is more evidence that reveals the Saudi regime's involvement in buying and getting weapons to terrorist organizations in Syria.

"In one of the basements of the terrorist organization (Al-Nusra Front) terrorist organization in the city of Aleppo, hundreds of mortars were found with their shipping papers in addition to explanation booklets that showed that they were manufactured in the Bosnian village of Novi Travnik," Fisk said in an article published by the British newspaper The Independent. .

Fisk added that "the shipping documents were bearing the name of Fat Kreinjic," explaining that he went to Bosnia in order to meet this person with the aim of answering the question that was in his mind, namely, how did these weapons reach Syria .. where Kreinich acknowledged that his signature was on one of the shipping documents He said, "Who sent these weapons are the Saudis ... specifically a Saudi minister and three Saudi army officers who visited him at the factory."

Fisk added that he tried to present these documents and facts to the Saudis, but they denied "as if all the documents and missiles did not exist."

Fisk pointed out that "mortar shells that were found in the mentioned cellar were more than owned by the British army and were shipped from Bosnia to Saudi Arabia and from there to Turkey and then passed across the border to Syria, where they were found 12 miles from the border in the city of Aleppo" .

And media and intelligence reports confirmed that the United States, the kingdoms and Gulf sheikhdoms, led by the Saudi regime, purchased and transported weapons from several countries in Eastern Europe to terrorists in Syria, while experts in the project of investigations into organized crime, corruption and the Balkan Network for investigative investigations revealed in a report to them about the role of the Saudi regime in fueling The situation in the Middle East under American auspices and orders, noting that this system and several other countries bought $ 2.1 billion worth of weapons from Central and Eastern European countries and transferred them to countries in the region, then these weapons reached the terrorists in Confidentiality.