The Limited Times

Washington released an Iranian scientist arbitrarily detained in its prisons

12/7/2019, 12:45:30 PM

Tehran-Sana The American authorities released the Iranian scientist Masoud Soleimani today after arbitrarily arresting him for a year


Today, the American authorities released the Iranian scientist Masoud Soleimani after arbitrarily detaining him for a year, under the pretext of circumventing the unjust US embargo imposed on Iran.

“With the visit of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to Zurich, the Iranian scientist Masoud Soleimani was released after he was held hostage for one year and illegally imprisoned in America,” Fars News Agency reported, explaining that he was handed over to Iranian officials and will arrive in the country soon.

To that, with the approval of the Supreme Council for Iranian National Security and the cooperation and approval of the judicial and security services, the American citizen Gao Wang, who was serving a prison sentence in Iran after being convicted of espionage, was also released.

Iranian sources indicated that Wang was extradited to Swiss officials in preparation for his return to the United States.