The Limited Times

The Major General has relations with a soldier - and has been ousted from the IDF Israel today

12/9/2019, 10:14:07 PM


Conversion relations: Soldier received prohibited benefits • In addition, the counterpart disrupted the investigation of the military police • The IDF: "Sees severely a sexual connection between commanders and commanders"

  • Illustration: Ami Fat

An army chief in a southern country was recently ousted from the IDF, after having sexual relations with a young corporal who served in the unit, evoking evidence and disrupting an investigation by the investigating military police, in an attempt to conceal the marital relationship.

In an unusual move, despite the fact that the female soldier was not under his direct command, the relationship, which was carried out by consensus, was defined as a master's relationship because she sometimes performed the duties of the commander under his command.

For two months, at the beginning of the previous year, the two, against a senior IDF and young corporal, began a sexual relationship. The two have had sexual contact on several occasions. Although that was apparently not the goal, the soldier actually received benefits as a result of the relationship - instead of being released on duty, the counter informed her of surprise reviews expected to be made in the baselines, and did not comment on violations of appearance and dress rules.

But at some point the affair began to deteriorate. In early April, it became clear that a female soldier serving with the young woman in the unit was being detained for IDF interrogation on suspicion of dangerous drug use. The Chief initiated a conversation with the young woman and her friend, updating them about the investigation and offering them to delete messages that might incriminate them. He also suggested that they refuse to submit a urine sample if called for an IAF investigation.

Two weeks later a problematic turnaround occurred for the counterpart. The young woman was summoned for questioning, and the Chief was concerned that she would be asked about their relationship. At the beginning of the investigation, the young woman refrained from telling about the problem, but later told investigators that she had had a sexual relationship with the Chief and provided more details about what was going on.

Following the exposure, the Chief of Staff was lowered to the rank of corporal and ousted from the IDF. He was also sentenced to two months in prison in the form of military work and a suspended sentence.

The IDF confirmed the details: "The IDF severely regards relations between commanders and their commanders, and shows zero tolerance for offenses committed by the counterclaim."

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