The Limited Times

"Servants of the People": Selenskyj series discontinued early in Russia

12/13/2019, 7:53:09 PM

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj became known as the star of a TV series that recently also included a Russian broadcaster. Now she stopped TNT. Censorship or marketing strategy?

Volodymyr Selenskyj is a former actor and comedian who became the President of Ukraine. In the series that made him famous in his home country, he played a history teacher who became the president of Ukraine. Three episodes of this series, entitled "Servants of the People", recently aired on the Russian broadcaster TNT. Now she was stopped prematurely.

Selenskyj commented on the dismissal on Friday night on Ukrainian television with a wink: To show the series at all was "a major mistake on the part of the broadcaster or part of the power that determines Russia's information policy". People could now continue to watch them on YouTube. "Some have nuclear weapons, but others have 'servants of the people'".

The broadcaster told the Russian daily "Vedomosti" that no more than the first three episodes should be shown in the conventional TV program from the start. There was no mention of this in the announcement. Rather, it represents TNT as a marketing strategy to promote its online platform on which the following parts of the series should now be shown.

On Twitter, the decision is often associated with state censorship. According to "Vedomosti" and the BBC, a joke about Putin was also cut out in the first part of the series. In contrast, he was seen in the eastern regions of Russia, where "servants of the people" was broadcast earlier due to the different time zones. According to the Ria Novosti agency, the Kremlin rejected the suspicion of interfering: "It has nothing to do with us."