The Limited Times

Popolare di Bari, commissioned by the Bank of Italy for losses

12/13/2019, 8:28:58 PM

Cdm on the file, Iv misses the meeting. Marattin: 'Sudden break-up very serious break point'. Rosato: 'M5s votes with Pd adifesabanchieri' (ANSA)

The Bank of Italy has ordered the dissolution of the bodies with administration and control functions of the Banca Popolare di Bari and the submission of the same to the extraordinary administration procedure, pursuant to articles 70 and 98 of the Consolidated Banking Act, due to the asset losses . It can be read on the website of the Pugliese bank.

Bank of Italy has appointed Enrico Ajello and Antonio Blandini as extraordinary commissioners and Livia Casale, Francesco Fioretto and Andrea Grosso as members of the supervisory committee. The latter, the note reads, is entrusted with the supervision of the company situation, the preparation of the activities necessary for the recapitalization of the bank as well as the finalization of the negotiations with the subjects that have already expressed interest in the bank's relaunch intervention.

At 9.00 pm a Council of Ministers will be held at Palazzo Chigi. On the table, according to government sources, there is the file of Popolare di Bari.

"The sudden convocation of a Council of Ministers on the banks, without any sharing and after expressly excluding any forcing or acceleration on this delicate matter, marks a very serious break point in the method and in the merit". This was stated by Luigi Marattin, vice-president of the deputies of Italia Viva.
"It is surprising - underlines Marattin again - that those who for years attacked us demagogically on measures aimed at supporting savers are now responsible for an incredible operation, aimed more at safeguarding the responsibilities of those who had to manage and / or supervise and did not have it done". "Italia Viva will not participate in the Council of Ministers and - it concludes - reserves the right to assess in the Chamber which position to assume".

"After five years the five stars have built the rhetoric on the banks against us. Today with the Democratic Party they vote in the CDM to defend those who should have administered them well. We are not there and we will not participate in this vote. Waiting to see how they will justify it ". The coordinator of Italia viva Ettore Rosato writes on Twitter.

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