The Limited Times

Premier: Liverpool opens, Arsenal-City the highlight

12/13/2019, 5:11:20 PM

Leicester hosts Norwich, Wolves against Tottenham (ANSA)

The miracles are not repeated but the Leicester of Rodgers, even if it will not win the Premier like that of Ranieri, has started to amaze again. He has +6 on the third City, + 14 on the fifth, only stellar Liverpool (2 points lost on 48) is out of reach. Vardy (16 goals out of 16 races) is the terminal of a splendid group that should have no problems at home with Norwich, a prediction also for Liverpool and Chelsea for which the big match is between the bankruptcy Arsenal (which exempted Emery) and the City of Guardiola which is now betting everything on the Champions League. The United cannot ignore the three points against Everton while the most balanced match seems to be the one between the Wolves and Mourinho's Tottenham, bad with Bayern.

The picture of the 17th day (RESULTS AND RANKINGS)

  • Liverpool-Watford 1.30pm
  • Chelsea-Bournemouth 4 pm
  • Leicester-Norwich
  • Sheffield-Aston Villa
  • Burnley-Newcastle
  • Southampton-West Ham 6.30pm
  • Manchester United-Everton on Sunday at 3 pm
  • Wolverhampton-Tottenham
  • Arsenal-Manchester City 5:30 pm
  • Crystal Palace-Brighton Monday at 8.40pm