The Limited Times

Sturgeon, now freedom to Scotland

12/13/2019, 1:02:03 PM

Brexit triumphed in England, but Scotland "again said no to Boris Johnson and Brexit" in yesterday's British elections and clarified that "he wants a different future from that chosen by the rest of the United Kingdom". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - LONDON, DECEMBER 13 - Brexit triumphed in England, but Scotland "said Boris Johnsone again at Brexit" in yesterday's British elections and made it clear "he wants a different future from that chosen by the rest of the United Kingdom ". Thus Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the SNP independence party, first Scottish party, in a speech in Edinburgh.
"Our message has been enormously successful," said Sturgeon, evoking the vote as "a watershed" and re-launching a "democratic" challenge for a referendum on secession.