The Limited Times

Veneto pushes Italy to look at the Asean markets, the 'China' of the future

12/13/2019, 7:01:58 PM

All 10 of them together have a population of 629 million inhabitants, twice the Euro area, they are the fifth world economy, yet - while other European countries have already bet on it - Italy still remains on the margins of trade in the area Asean. Italy. But not the Veneto, and even more the province of Vicenza that believes in exports to the Pacific more than others. Veneto alone - with 1.2 billion euros - contributes 15% of Italian manufacturing exports to ASEAN. And almost half of them are from Vicenza. Confindustria Vicenza has thus decided to focus its headlights on South East Asia to support the export of its companies. The Asean countries represent a hub that can cover the entire Asia-Pacific region, but above all they can become a great opportunity for development and commercial affairs for Italian SMEs. This was highlighted by the conference "The markets of South East Asia (Asean): a great opportunity for Veneto exports", hosted at the headquarters of Confindustria Vicenza, and promoted in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo and the Italia-Asean association, chaired by former premier Enrico Letta. Just Letta, the current Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs-Sciences Po in Paris, highlighted how different groups and leading brands of Made in Italy are already present in that area. "It is the case of Piaggio - he recalled - which boasts a factory in Honou: it is not a question of relocation but of a factory where" Vespas "are produced for those markets". "The area of ​​the ASEAN countries that we see today - Letta said - is the China of the future, but Italy still does not exist. The future is there but we must enter. The model is the Germans, who move they do it all together. The goal of Italia-Asean is just that, to go all together along this road ". "This is a region - stated Remo Pedon, vice president of Confindustria Vicenza with delegation to Foreign Markets - which boasts enormous potential as Italian and Veneto companies have the credentials to meet the industrial and development needs of the countries of the 'Asean, also in light of the agreements that the European Union is finalizing with these markets, starting from Vietnam and Singapore ". It is these two countries that are the favorite destinations of Vicenza's exports with 39.5 and 22.5 million worth of exported goods, respectively. Next comes Thailand (21 million) and then Malaysia (17.4 million), the Philippines and Indonesia (both with almost 13 million). It is no coincidence that the conference was hosted in the Berico capital: in this area Vicenza is the first province of Veneto in terms of export value, with 136.6 million euros (figure referring to the second quarter of 2019) but also one of the the most active provinces of Italy: among the top 10 largest exporters in the country, in fact it is second in absolute terms, behind only Milan and ahead of Turin, Bologna and Florence. "We always say that in times of duties and instability - added Pedon - it is necessary to diversify the countries of destination of their foreign trade: we believe that this area represents a huge opportunity for our companies, taking into account that we are anyway, even here , a recognized excellence.The most interesting sectors are those related to textiles, clothing, leather and accessories ". In order to understand how to increase the export opportunities in the area, in view of the new transnational agreements, during the conference, business and sector testimonials were brought by entrepreneurs who already work in ASEAN countries. the ASEAN countries.

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