The Limited Times

[DQ review] The appeal was not approved or the seats were lost. Fan Guowei District Nuoxuan: The democracy movement will not change.

12/16/2019, 2:55:59 PM

Hong Kong Zhongzhi Zhou Ting and Liu Yikuang were enrolled in the Legislative Council last year and were subject to DQ. The two subsequently filed an election petition and were successful in September this year. Be elected. District and Fan earlier applied to the Court of Final Appeal for leave to appeal, and the court will begin hearings tomorrow morning; if the court does not grant the leave to appeal, the two will have the fastest way to parliament or stop tomorrow. The two held a media tea party today (16th). Quo Nuo Xuan said that it is difficult to assess the odds, but emphasized that no matter what the results of tomorrow will be, his willingness to participate in the democratic movement will not change. He felt honored after going through two battles in one place and the revision of the Anti-Fugitive Regulations.


Written by: Luo Jiaqing

2019-12-16 22:45

Last updated: 2019-12-16 22:45

Hong Kong Zhongzhi Zhou Ting and Liu Yikuang were enrolled in the Legislative Council last year and were subject to DQ. The two subsequently filed an election petition and were successful in September this year. Be elected. District and Fan earlier applied to the Court of Final Appeal for leave to appeal, and the court will begin hearings tomorrow morning; if the court does not grant the leave to appeal, the two will have the fastest way to parliament or stop tomorrow.

The two held a media tea party today (16th). Quo Nuo Xuan said that it is difficult to assess the odds, but emphasized that no matter what the results of tomorrow will be, his willingness to participate in the democratic movement will not change. He felt honored after going through two battles in one place and the revision of the Anti-Fugitive Regulations.

The two of them have their own sources. They both grew up in Tang Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O, in the "Athlete Village". They were the conveners of the FDC and former members of the Democratic Party. (Photo by Luo Jiaqing)

Fan Guowei and Quo Nuoxuan have their own roots: they both grew up in Tang Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O, in the "Athlete's Village". In the future, the two may have one more in common: the court will open tomorrow to hear the appeals of the two. If the court does not grant permission, the two or the same accused will lose their seats.

Fan Guowei: Most sorry for failing to investigate police enforcement issues with the Privileged Law

Fan Guowei said that if the bill is lost, the most regrettable will be the inability to invoke the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance to move to investigate police enforcement issues. Fan also pointed out that in the future, he will assist in reforming district boards. He believes that the development of Hong Kong's political system is as important as civil society in addition to the parliament. Therefore, he suggests that regional workers should broaden their horizons and connect with civil society.

In an earlier interview, Ou Nuoxuan used the metaphor of "salmon" to indicate that he had completed his spawning mission, and that he would not be disappointed by voters in the parliamentary struggles or assisting amateurs in the election. He joked today that nature is endless and that somewhere must have its own development. Mr. Nuo Xuan said that many Democrats have sought him out after the district election. He admitted that if he loses his status as a member of parliament or encounters difficulties and limitations, he emphasizes that he will do his best to assist him.

If the two lose their seats tomorrow, the current legislative session will only have about half a year left, or there may not be enough time for by-elections. (Photo by Luo Jiaqing)

District Nuo Xuan: When the parliament fights, it must be both civil and military

When asked about the most memorable work of the other party in the parliament, Fan Guowei said that the other party rushed to the podium to protest in the motion of the two inspections in one place; Ou Nuoxuan said that the unforgettable motto of the other party was "as thin as ice". In parliament and politics The same reasoning applies to his work. He believes that the parliament must be "combined with civil and military affairs" during the struggle, and that it cannot rely on action alone. Sometimes it is necessary to grasp the thinking of the chairman and "short circuit" him.

If the two lose their seats tomorrow, there will only be about half a year left in the current session of the Legislative Council, or there may not be enough time for a by-election. Ou Nuoxuan pointed out that if there is a by-election and the team thinks he is suitable, he can consider it; as for the general election, he said that he hopes to pursue a doctorate, but it will depend on the situation. Fan Guowei said that he would actively consider running for next year's general election.

[Fugitives Regulations] Guo Jiaqi, Fan Guowei, Liang Yaozhong and Violation of Legislative Council Regulations

[DQ review] District Nuo Xuan expected to announce appeal decision today. Fan Guowei will meet with lawyers to discuss next week.

[DQ review] Liu Yingkang's election petitioner Fan Guowei's election is invalid

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