The Limited Times

Kochavi clarifies: "There will be no room for rounding corners and turning a blind eye" Israel today

12/16/2019, 4:59:11 PM

In the country

The chief of staff referred to the case of distorting the data of the ultra-Orthodox recruits, saying that "where we find a mistake - we will learn and improve" • "Honesty and truth telling are the soul of the IDF"

  • Stars: "Where a mistake is found - learned and improved" // Photo: Tzahi Miriam

The Chief of Staff, Major General Aviv Kochavi, on Monday, referred to the case for distorting the data of ultra-Orthodox recruits, saying that "honesty, truth-telling and reliable reporting are the soul of the IDF - this is a binding order that passes as a second thread to the top command reflecting security reality at the political level - And there will be no room for rounding corners and turning a blind eye. "

Chief of Staff Kochavi said the words at the Chief of Staff's Awards for Outstanding Units for the year 1970, adding that "The debriefing is also a cornerstone of the army building, every inquiry is required to take all the facts out in the light of day, analyze them in every direction, and summarize the conclusions honestly. We will do this to the world precisely and unequivocally and clearly, presenting the truth, the whole truth, only the truth - and more so, dealing with the consequences of the truth. "

Haredi in the recruitment bureau // Photo: Noam Rivkin Fenton

"Presenting things unacceptably is a breach of the existing contract of trust between the IDF and Israeli society, which entrusts its sons and daughters," the chief of staff emphasized, "where a mistake is discovered - learned and improved, and where malicious or deliberate intent is discovered, we will take Hard hand. In this area there is no room for compromise. "

As stated, two weeks ago, the "This Morning" program here and Network B revealed that the IDF deliberately forged and significantly increased the number of ultra-Orthodox soldiers who joined the army. According to the publication, the army did not report accurate data to all government agencies, including: the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, the chief of staff. To the Minister of Defense, in order to meet the recruitment goals.

More on:

Report: IDF forged the number of haredim recruited

"We are neither liars nor data forgers"

Exemption from age 21 and a significant increase in soldiers' wages: Bennett's plan for raising ultra-Orthodox

According to the investigation, some of the recruitment data doubled and even tripled. In 2017, 3,070 ultra-Orthodox soldiers were reportedly recruited, while the number was only 1,300. The figures reporting the number of ultra-Orthodox soldiers enlisted by the IDF were added by soldiers who did not meet their agreed upon criteria and those who were not religious at all.

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