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Do selfie photographers like Kim Kardashian? It's dangerous to your health - Walla! health

12/17/2019, 10:17:11 PM

The reality star turned selfie into a social phenomenon, and now it has health implications. Holding your cell phone uncomfortably and so many times a day can cause damage ...

Do selfie photographers like Kim Kardashian? It is dangerous to your health

The reality star turned selfie into a social phenomenon, and now it has health implications. Holding the cell phone uncomfortably and so many times a day can cause severe wrist damage and, in extreme cases, even require surgery

Do selfie photographers like Kim Kardashian? It is dangerous to your health

In the video - the Instagram model who paid a heavy price for the perfect selfie

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Kim Kardashian is considered a huge brand in the US as well as a role model for adolescent girls. A record of 6,000 selfies in four days during her vacation in Mexico, in fact, she took so many selfies that she was forced by her doctor to stop - and she decided to use the assistant to hold her phone - to give her arm a rest.

British media have issued a stern warning this week about senior surgeon Dr Raj Rajwansi, who has spotted an upward trend in adolescents suffering more wrist injuries that also affect their hands and fingers. "In one of my patients, a 26-year-old girl, I experienced such severe damage to the palm that she was unable to hold anything. It's not just the salafis, it's also the typing and the way she holds her cellphone."

Kim Kardashian uses a selfie for selfie

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Dr. Ragwansi said that the reason why more young people suffer from such injuries is the way they bend the wrist inward to photograph "perfect" selfies. He argues that the strange movement they make is uncomfortable and unnatural to the palm - especially when not Do this over and over again.

"These movements cause pain, loss of hand and sensation of needle and finger stabs," he warns, "if painkillers do not solve the problem, in some cases you need to inject steroids or even analyze the place," he warned, adding that he recently saw a dramatic increase in About 40 percent of men and women ages 18 to 35 diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome - which has been very rare to see in recent years.

The strange movement of selfie photography is uncomfortable and unnatural to the palm of your hand

Selfie gif (Photo: Giphy)

Dr. Esther Rubinrout, a specialist in orthopedics and hand surgery, and a coordinator of the palm area at the Jonathan Medical Center - The Israeli Center for Joint and Back Health, explains that carpal tunnel syndrome is a phenomenon where there is pressure on the wrist median nerve that can cause pain and weakness in the hand and difficulty. The carpal canal is basically a narrow structure made up of bones and ligaments, containing the median nerve and the tendons that bend to the fingers. When for some reason there is irritation of the tendons or small volume of the canal, the pressure on the nerve increases, resulting in pain, circumcision and weakness in the palm and fingers with irradiation. To her mother and even to her shoulder.

The symptoms of the syndrome usually begin gradually, in one or both hands, sometimes at night with painful ache from sleep and move after "shaking" hands. Sometimes the complaints are less typical and there are feelings of swelling, heaviness, stagnation and stiffness. In advanced situations there may even be a decrease in feel and weakness of the hand, especially of the thumb. Some sufferers say they drop objects and find it difficult to perform delicate actions such as buttoning a shirt.

And here are some of the dangers of selfie