The Limited Times

Estonia offends Finnish premier

12/17/2019, 11:44:05 AM

The Estonian Minister of the Interior and leader of the nationalist Ekre party, Mart Helme, lashed out at the new young Finnish premier Sanna Marin labeling it as "committed" and questioning his ability to govern in a thrust by the ... HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MOSCOW, DECEMBER 17 - The Estonian Minister of the Interior, leader of the nationalist Ekre party, Mart Helme, has attacked the new young Finnish premier Sanna Marin, labeling it as "committed" and questioning the ability to govern in a thrust from masculinist flavor. The Estonian president Kersti Kaljulaid was forced to intervene and apologize to Finland for Helme's intervention.
Marin, 34, the youngest premier in the world, said she grew up in a family that was not rich and worked as a cashier before studying at university and starting the political career. "I am extremely proud of Finland," Marin wrote on Twitter. "Here a person from a poor family can study and achieve their goals in life. A cashier can even become a prime minister."