The Limited Times

France: strikes, the Eiffel Tower closed

12/17/2019, 7:38:06 PM

"Monument on strike": for the second time since the start of the mobilization against the pension reform project, the Eiffel Tower has remained closed, due to the disappointment and bewilderment of the thousands of tourists who visit it every day. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - PARIS, DECEMBER 17 - "Monument on strike": for the second time since the beginning of the mobilization against the pension reform project, the Eiffel Tower has remained closed, for the disappointment and bewilderment of the thousands of tourists who visit it every day .
A part of the staff had already participated in the mobilization day which - 13 days ago - inaugurated the indefinite transport strike, on 5 December.
The closure of the Eiffel Tower represents a new hard hit for the city of Paris, its commercial sector and tourist appeal. The hotels speak of cancellations of reservations now over 30% for the holidays. And tonight the mayor, Anne Hidalgo, has asked for "reparations" for traders struck by the deportation to the bitter end.

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