The Limited Times

He contracts HIV while preparing his thesis and denounces two universities

12/17/2019, 4:35:22 PM

He manipulates some 'pieces' of HIV while preparing his thesis in a foreign university laboratory, and a few months later he discovers he has contracted the virus. The victim is a former student, then graduated from a University of Veneto. (HANDLE)

He manipulates some 'pieces' of HIV while preparing his thesis in a foreign university laboratory, and a few months later he discovers he has contracted the virus. The victim is a former student, then graduated from a University of Veneto. Now - reports the 'Corriere' website - he sued both universities, the Italian one of departure and the host one, asking the Court of Padua (competent for the Italian university) for a millionaire compensation. The episode dates back to 7 years ago. An episode, she told herself, that destroyed her life. Now the woman, assisted by the lawyer Antonio Serpetti, of the Milan Bar, has basically built a "parallel" life, hiding her condition from most of the people she comes into contact with. According to the genetic sequence of the part expertise, the virus that struck it does not circulate among the population, but corresponds to those built in the laboratory. So the infection could have happened just during the research activity. The judicial case is in the preliminary stages, even if the judges have already fixed the first hearing; for the lawyer Serpetti, laboratory HIV "is treatable but with more difficulty, because the available drugs have been developed on circulating viruses".