The Limited Times

Photoansa 2019, one-year memories

12/17/2019, 5:17:22 PM

SEE ALL THE PHOTOS [] - The story of the twelve months, with the aim of retracing or discovering the great themes that characterized the year just ended © Ansa

A book of photos that tells twelve months , with the aim of retracing or discovering the great themes that have characterized the year just ended.

Now in its fifteenth edition, the book ' photoansa 2019 ' brings together over 360 shots in twelve thematic chapters , to relive the most significant moments and trends of 2019 with the eyes of ANSA reporters: images of great visual impact, chosen among the about 2500 photos that the Agency spreads all over the world every day, gathered in an out-of-commerce volume for Italian and foreign customers using ANSA services.

Look at the photos Photoansa 2019, a year in photos

The tragedies of migrants and young people from all over the world in the square with Greta Thunberg against climate change, Genoa a year after the disaster of the Morandi bridge and the burning of Notre Dame in Paris , the odyssey of families on the Mexican border in front of the great Trump's wall and the new European Parliament , Paris under siege for yellow vest protests and the overwhelming national women's football , record swimmer Federica Pellegrini 'eighth wonder' and the eSports boom , the first and second Conte government, the party for the Cortina-Milan axis for the assignment of the 2026 Winter Olympics: dozens and dozens of images to remember 2019.

These are the wonders of the book's shots , which document the work of the agency's photographers, the first line on the most important events that have occurred, enhancing the ANSA photographic source as primary in the world of information. The photos reproduced belong to the ANSA Archive, the Ap Archive and are present in the portal.

The 'painful' selection of photos, among the thousands available, made by choosing the strength, the ability to remember this or that event, the power to evoke or renew the involvement of the moment in which it was published, marks the year and it basically stores it in memory.

"Among the many photos taken by our photographers, chosen on the basis of the importance of the events that took place and the effectiveness and quality of the representation, here is - writes the president Giulio Anselmi in the introduction - the images of the European elections, particularly relevant in a year in which the very survival of the Union was questioned in much of the continent, then the disaster of the great viaduct of Genoa, with its limbs bent and broken by time, usury, the immoral ignorance of men. of dust they rise to the sky, while the houses below, torn apart, reveal the disordered heap of remains of vines that can no longer be medicated.

"The biggest wall " is what America has built to prevent the poor Mexicans from illegally entering the Eldorado of the rich. The most terrible photo is that of two bodies side by side, a father with his child drowned in an attempt to overcome a river at the border. Then there are the faces of the protagonists of the political turmoil season: Salvini, Di Maio, Conte, Zingaretti, Meloni in the ups and downs of the Northern League, fifties, pd, Renzians, alternating in power until the current government. A dominant face of the year is that of Greta Thunberg , the Swedish girl who blew the immense dimensions of the tragedy of the environment into the minds of millions of her peers all over the world: hard and even bad ("You stole our future, we will never forgive you "). Disasters and violence unfortunately also belonged to last year: in 2019 clashes and police charges with jaune gilets in France and, in the summer, on the outskirts of Rome: the photo of a fleeing child trying to save his books is surprising and moving. . Extraordinary photos of the stake of Notre-Dame, in the heart of Paris: with the flames extinguished the canons of the cathedral pray wearing a white-covered workman's helmet over their faces ".

Anselmi asks: "The journalistic choices we have made give a fairly precise idea of ​​the past year, dedicated to the fifteenth ANA photographic book? If this is so, the book has succeeded, in the difficult balance between the obligatory events because they have characterized the past months and the facts that emerge from normality due to the strength of the unforeseen and the unpredictable ".

Here is Photoansa 2019, a year's photographic memory

The presentation of the book was made in Rome, Milan and Palermo.

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