The Limited Times

Popolare Bari, De Bustis: 'Counts fake, management exalted'

12/17/2019, 11:50:34 AM

Meeting audio with manager published by (ANSA)

The controversy over the issue of the Banca Popolare di Bari for the rescue of which the government has fielded a decree in recent days is not appeased. And check an audio of the ad in which we talk about rigged data.

THE AUDIO - "When I arrived the first time there was a gentleman with white hair at the head of planning and control, to whom I asked to see the data of the branches. All made-up . Even made up the economic accounts of the branches. Taroccati". Thus the CEO of Popolare di Bari, Vincenzo De Bustis, spoke to the bank's managers at a meeting on 10 December last, in an audio file published by "What happened in the last three or four years was truly irresponsible. This bank is an example of a bad management school, irresponsible, exalted ."

"There is no risk of commissioner. There is a serious industrial plan that foresees the interventions of institutional investors, a public part and a private part, that is the interbank fund, with a light path, we are not talking about Genoa, passed by the commissioner, and less than ever of the Venetian banks ". So last December 10, three days after the commissioner decided by the Bank of Italy, the president of the Popolare di Bari, Gianvito Giannelli, spoke to the bank's managers in a meeting whose audio files are published by "We have started a process of securing the bank, an official path that is assisted by vigilance in all its passages. It will be a very short path for the first steps that will close before Christmas", assured Giannelli.

Prodi, saving the child is a must - "If it is right to save the people of Bari? It is not right: it is a must. What do you want to do, let it go? The banking system must be protected, and history has always been this. We must make policies preventive because these facts do not take place and severely punish those who cheated ". This was stated by former prime minister Romano Prodi in an interview with Circus Maximus on radio Capital.