The Limited Times

Souvenir photo? Irish Mercy, Bell Lake and Shiran Sandal go crazy with the selfie - Walla! Celebs

12/17/2019, 12:17:00 PM

All the famous footballers from Reality seemed to be doing at the screening of their finals - was to take pictures of each other's souvenirs. Wait, Irit Mercy, Sheeran Sandal, Inbal Gabrieli, one picture not ...

Souvenir photo? Irish Mercy, Bell Lake and Shiran Sandal go crazy with the selfie

All the famous footballers from Reality seemed to be doing at the screening of their finals - was to take pictures of each other's souvenirs. Wait a minute, Irish mercy, Sheeran Sandal, Inbal Gabrieli, one not enough picture? Walla! Flash celebs

Souvenir photo? Irish Mercy, Bell Lake and Shiran Sandal go crazy with the selfie


True, in recent years it seems that if you spent, promenaded, celebrated, bought, did something and didn't document for social network followers (or on Instagram, to be exact) - it just didn't happen. But last night, in a special screening of the Golestars' second-season finale, the guests seemed to have taken the (obscene) habit to another level and rioted in another picture. And another, two, ten, 42 ticks!

Gossip about the girls of "Instagram" on Instagram

It started like any regular screening event, including Irish Mercy along with Amos Luzon

Irish mercy, Amos Luzon (Photo: Rafi DeLuya)

Old Shula in dress reveals feet

Old Shula (Photo: Rafi DeLuya)

Or the sisters Sheeran and Karin Sandal ...

Sheeran Sandal, Karin Sandal (Photo: Rafi DeLuya)

It started as another festive event in Cinema City, to which the kicking women from eventful Irish production with partner Amos Luzon , an old Shula in a revealing dress, Inbal Gabrieli , sisters Shiran Sandal and Karin Sandal, or coaches of all on screen, Shay Feigenbo And Raz Zahavi .

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So far everything is good, only at one point, but they all pulled out of the cellphone for an exciting record of the sparkling event and everything turned into a full-fledged craze, including pictures with Belle Lake , a spate with Eyal Golan's partner - Daniel Greenberg, Duck Pace alongside Abigail Sharabi or Liron Revivo and other moments when they just didn't put the documentary cell on the side. Well, at the end of everything in their story.

Ugh, every time Walla! Celebs are photographed and need to replace the closed lens afterwards.

But then, became a selfie craze!

Irish mercy (Photo: Rafi DeLuya)

"Make a face!" The Sandal Sisters with Daniel Greenberg

Sheeran Sandal, Karin Sandal, Daniel Greenberg (Photo: Rafi DeLuya)

"Say golllllll"

Sheeran Sandal, Karin Sandal, Daniel Greenberg (Photo: Rafi DeLuya)

"Hey, I've come." Inbal Gabrieli joins the celebration

Inbal Gabrieli (Photo: Rafi Deluya)

Bell Lake in official pose

Bell Lake (Photo: Rafi DeLuya)

Then also pulled out the cellphone!

Bell Lake (Photo: Rafi DeLuya)

Also the boys, Shia Feigenbaum and Rez Zehabi in the section

Shia Feigenbaum, Raz Zahavi (Photo: Rafi DeLuya)

Triple image. Mercy and friendship

Irish mercy (Photo: Rafi DeLuya)

Irit rejoices with kisses Liron Lichtenstein, producer of the series

Irit Mercy, Yaron Lichtenstein (Photo: Rafi DeLuya)

Liron Revivo went crazy with many photos

Liron Revivo (Photo: Rafi Deluya)

What cute duo Tom Spring and Ron Shoval did there without a camera?

Ron Shoval, Tom Kashti (Photo: Rafi DeLuya)

Pan in the courtroom too. Gabrieli and Sandal

Sheeran Sandal, Inbal Gabrieli (Photo: Rafi DeLuya)

Lovely to come to cry. "Golestarsi 2" team

Golestaras 2 team (Photo: Rafi Deluya)