The Limited Times

Viva RaiPlay, for the final De Gregori and Venditti

12/17/2019, 4:17:17 PM

"The platformist experience, among the various innovations, gave me the great satisfaction of feeling that I was searched for and really chosen by each of the spectators, ops! Users. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, DECEMBER 17 - "The platformist experience, thanks to several new features, gave me the great satisfaction to disentangle myself sought and really chosen by each of the spectators, ops! Users. And the magic is that on Saturday the lights of the live show will be slow, but we will be just a click away for all 2020 ". Losottolinea Rosario Fiorello on the occasion of the grand finale: three appointments are missing at the end of Viva RaiPlay! (18-19-20 December, 8.35pm), the most innovative multimedia operation of variety that Rai has made and which has the showman as its protagonist. Among others, Francesco De Gregori and Antonello Venditti are scheduled for tomorrow 18 December, Thursday 19 Malika Ayane and Friday 20 December Jovanotti eGiorgia.
In a press release it is recalled that the challenge of Viva Rai Play "to propose a new show and to explore the most modern ways of combining variety is already won: in the six weeks of programming it is among the most viewed content on demand and the most watched live streaming. There are 13.4 million total visualizations, of which over 33% in live streaming and 4.1 million views on YouTube A live show of just over 60 minutes obtains results comparable with the most important Rai events such as Sanremo and the national team matches of football.
In 6 weeks, the impact of Viva RaiPlay has been felt in live viewing with + 50% active registered users, and on demand with + 23% of active registered users and an increase of 61% of active registered users from the app and TV app.
Numbers that certify the success of the Rai mission: expand the audience by winning a new slice of the public. With the Fiorello operation, an optimal positioning of RaiPlay, now known by the majority of the public, has also been achieved ". In short, over 30 hours of great variety live, more than a hundred guests, cult duos and monologues in the first original formator of the RAI platform (ANSA ).