The Limited Times

A quantum leap achieved by the Masyaf Shoes Factory in production and profits

12/18/2019, 2:35:00 PM

Hama-Sana, the summer shoes factory, made a quantum leap in terms of production and material revenues during the second half of the year


Masyaf Shoes Factory achieved a qualitative shift in terms of production and material revenues during the second half of this year as a result of putting a second production line in service and investment in addition to the leather waste recycling line.

In a statement to SANA Economic Bulletin, the director of the factory, Sharif Al-Hassan, pointed out that the second new integrated production line for the manufacture of civil shoes and the line for recycling of leather waste contributed to achieving an added material value for the factory, given that the first began producing varieties of civil shoes and the other concerned with grinding and disposing of leather waste In hygienic and environmentally safe ways, as well as the possibility of utilizing it for other purposes such as blocks, plastic tiles and industrial road bumps.

And Al-Hassan pointed out that the factory production ranges between 500 and 1000 pairs of shoes per day, according to the available cadres, as most of them work according to seasonal work contracts. There is an urgent need to appoint permanent workers, pointing out in this regard that the factory’s plan is to hold a competition to appoint a number of workers during the first quarter of the year. Next.

The director of the factory revealed that operating two leather mills and putting them in service and investment during this year had great positive effects in the process of disposal of large quantities of accumulated leather waste in the factory for several decades, which is estimated at more than 800 tons, in addition to preparing these products so that they can be used later for purposes. Many industries not to mention contributing to reducing pollution and preserving environmental safety.

Al-Hassan explained that the summer shoes factory had achieved profits from the beginning of this year until the end of last November, amounting to 322 million Syrian pounds as a result of sales contracts for a number of public sector companies.

For their part, a number of workers demanded an improvement in their financial situation, as the productive worker Hassan Khaddour pointed out the necessity of including workers in Masyaf shoes factory with hard work for the specificity and difficulty of the nature of the production process and raising the value of financial compensation to workers, while the worker Nour Shalish demanded to expand the umbrella of health insurance for workers to include various Diseases and relieve them of the burden and expenses of treatment.

Abdullah Al-Sheikh

SANA Economic Bulletin