The Limited Times

Abuse in the Catholic Church: German Bishops Establish Advisory Council for Affected Persons

12/18/2019, 2:02:12 PM

German bishops set up a council of affected persons to promote the processing of sexual abuse in the church.

"The experience of the past few years has clearly shown us that the treatment and prevention of sexual abuse can only be effective together with those affected," said DBK Abuse Officer, Bishop Stephan Ackermann.

That is why the German Bishops' Conference (DBK) decided to set up a council for those affected. This is a consequence of the abuse study published in September 2018.

According to the DBK, the standards for the Archdiocese of Cologne and the bodies of the Independent Representative for Questions on Child Sexual Abuse (UBSKM) should serve as a model for the Council of Affected.

By February 7, 2020, people affected by sexual abuse by clerics could express their interest in participating in the proposed advisory board. Relatives and legal guardians are also invited to participate.

The abuse study had shown that between 1946 and 2014 at least 1670 Catholic clerics were said to have abused 3677 mostly male minors. Church records have found evidence of the sexual abuse of minors in 4.4 percent of all clerics, it said. However, the number of abuse cases is presumably much higher.

more on the subject

Abuse Study of the Episcopal Conference Dark Chamber Church

The study's authors found that the problem of abuse was by no means overcome - the risk of assault persisted given the power structures of the Church. The DBK and the Central Committee of German Catholics are examining these structures in a two-year reform process.

It was only announced on Tuesday that Pope Francis would abolish the "papal secret" in the event of abuse by priests. This means that statements in church processes can also be passed on to civil authorities. From now on, the possession and distribution of child pornography material are considered "delicta graviora", serious offenses. However, the procedures will continue to be subject to special confidentiality.