The Limited Times

Graduation of 75 female heads of household follow training courses within the "You are the Life" initiative

12/18/2019, 3:47:17 PM

Damascus - SANA: 75 female breadwinners were graduated today after they followed courses in dressmaking, crochet, and women's shaving


75 female heads of families were graduated today after following courses in sewing, crocheting, women's shaving, close to the loom, soap making and managing small projects within the “You are the Life” initiative launched by Manara Barza in Damascus, affiliated to the Syrian Secretariat for Development and the Syrian International Islamic Bank to enable the role of women in society and achieve their living stability.

During the graduation ceremony, an exhibition for the production of the participants ’works was opened with training workshops and certificates of professional training were distributed to the participants and a number of bags for distinguished graduates equipped with the necessary equipment to work in various specialties to help them start their work appropriately.

Self-sufficiency, investing potentials and supporting the needs of society is the primary goal of the initiative, according to the director of operations of the Syrian Trust for Development in the governorates of Damascus and its countryside, Ibrahim Al-Rayes, who pointed out in a statement to Lana that the secretariat is constantly seeking to train and finance individuals to create new opportunities for them by obtaining a sustainable source of livelihood .

In turn, the CEO of Syria International Islamic Bank Bashar Al-Satt explained that the initiative is a beginning and a simple experiment to enable women to enter the labor market and production, indicating that social development is one of the bank's priorities and that there will be future initiatives that concern women and enable them to contribute to building a society that is an essential part of it.

Trainer Rawaah Yusef showed that the participants were trained in professions such as sewing and about looming and supporting them morally, educationally and financially, and introducing them to methods of recycling materials, while the trainer, Issa Hamouda, indicated that the course was a development of the skills that women represent in all fields and made them productive in order to support their family.

And the trainee Khadija Chris pointed out the importance of the course, as she was able to work and financially support her family, while the trainee Safaa Qeda indicated that she learned the crochet profession, which will enable her to work and create her own future in the future.

The initiative, which launched last March, included practical workshops in several specialties that lasted 45 days within the lighthouse of Barzeh, affiliated to the Syrian Trust for Development.

Rama Rashidi