The Limited Times

Guterres: 'The EU has not supported Italy on migrants'

12/18/2019, 1:05:12 PM

UN Secretary 'shocked' by the situation in Venice, Cop 26 'decisive moment' (ANSA)

"Mediterranean states like Italy and Greece have the right to solidarity and support from the rest of the European Union" regarding the migrant crisis "but so far we have not seen this solidarity and this support fully materialized".

The secretary general of the United Nations António Guterres , a guest in the Senate, said this.

In his speech, Guterres praised the "efforts and humanity of Italy, but a collective response is needed" .

"I congratulate - added Guterres - with the openness, care and compassion that the Italians have shown towards tens of thousands of refugees who have arrived on its shores in recent years". "It is profoundly worrying - he continued - that refugees and migrants continue to die while crossing seas and deserts. We must do everything we can to prevent it, intervening in the countries of origin, in those of transit and destination. Above all, we need collective answers , including development programs with opportunities and jobs in regions of origin ". "We must pursue - he concluded - the traffickers of human beings and the criminal networks that profit from the misery of the people. We must strengthen regular routes for the migration and resettlement of refugees".

"An" opportunity "was lost in Madrid but" if we fail now the story will remind us how those who did not act and had the tools and our grandchildren will not forgive us " , said Guterres who said he was " shocked " by the situation in Venice and "for the impact of climate change on this pearl".

The next Cop 26, organized by the United Kingdom and Italy, "will be a decisive moment, we have full confidence in Italy's leadership".