The Limited Times

More than 3,900 students take the first semester exam in schools in the liberated areas of Idlib

12/18/2019, 3:38:12 PM

Idlib-Sana 3,980 students spread over 48 schools who took the first semester exam in the Sinjar and Abu Dada districts


3980 students spread over 48 schools who took the first semester exam in the areas of Sinjar, Abu al-Dhor, and Khan Sheikhoun countryside, in Idlib Governorate countryside, liberated from terrorism.

The director of education in Idlib Abdul Hamid Al-Muammar inspected some schools in the liberated areas in the governorate to learn about the reality of the exam process and the level of questions. He also met a number of educational and administrative frameworks in schools, pointing to the efforts made that were the outcome of their work for the entire semester of the academic year and culminated in successful exams.

The first semester exams for basic and secondary education for the academic year 2019 and 2020 began last Sunday.

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