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Naama Issachar's lawyer en route to Russia: "The verdict must be canceled" - Walla! news

12/18/2019, 6:41:00 PM

The Israeli young woman will be in court tomorrow, where the hearing on her sentence will officially begin. The Russian defense team will seek to credit Ishkar and release her immediately, but the decision is expected to be made only ...

Naama Issachar's lawyer en route to Russia: "The verdict must be canceled"

The Israeli young woman will be in court tomorrow, where the hearing on her sentence will officially begin. The Russian defense team will seek to acquit Issachar and release it immediately, but the decision is expected to be made only in a few days. The mother, Yaffe, said: "She fears the audience and the journalists, but I hope they will see her situation."

Naama Issachar's lawyer en route to Russia: "The verdict must be canceled"

Edit: Joy Fellow

Ahead of Russia's opening hearing on Naama Issachar's sentence, Attorney Alexei Kovalenko told Walla on Wednesday evening that "We expect the court to accept the defense team's arguments that Naama did not commit an offense in Russia, did not hold and did not escape Sam To Russia. "Kovalenko, a partner in the Israeli young woman's defense team, emphasized on his way to Russia that" the court must intervene and overturn the verdict. "

Last April, Issachar was caught with 9.5 grams of cannabis at Moscow airport as she made her way from India to Israel. Following that, a court in Russia sentenced her to seven and a half years in prison. Tomorrow, Issachar is expected to first appear in court, where she will meet her family.

Last week, the Israeli young woman participated in the discussion through a video call from the prison. She argued that the media made it difficult for her to convey her arguments and asked to be present. The court accepted her request and the hearing will officially open tomorrow.

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Will appear first in front of the media. Issachar (Photo: Courtesy of the family)

Naama Issachar, arrested in Moscow on suspicion of drug smuggling (Photo: courtesy of the family)

"I'm excited for tomorrow," said Yissachar's mother, Yaffe. The mother told of her recent visit to the jail along with the nurse to the destination. She says, "We saw her and strengthened her. She fears a lot of people will be in the audience and the journalists. She needs to talk, I really hope she finally sees her situation and release her. She is not accused of anything, she just sits. I hope the prime minister does and takes her home. early".

At the hearing tomorrow, Yissachar's Russian lawyers will argue. In a conversation, attorney Kovalenko said the defense attorneys "will stand for what they wanted to claim a week ago - there is no authority for the Russian court to judge it, as it has not committed any criminal offense in Russia. They want to win it and release it immediately. "

However, the lawyer made it clear that the decision would not be made tomorrow, but in a few days. "The court should study the attorneys' arguments," he explained. "In general, the heavy punishment she received was not only disproportionate, but also lacking."

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To the full article

Issachar's mother and sister were out of court in Russia last week

The mother of Naama Issachar and her sister outside the Moscow court, Russia, December 12, 2019 (Photo: official website)

Attorney Kovalenko has made it clear that there is no connection between the 40 Israelis' detention at Moscow airport and the Issachar trial. The unusual delay may have been in response to Israeli policy. Here too, all tourists coming from Russia are being carefully examined to see if they intend to settle in the country illegally. "

He said that a few months ago there was an alarming phenomenon of inquiries from Russian citizens in the country who were seeking asylum. According to him, "Following many refusals, Russia has started to check all tourists who come from Israel to influence the State of Israel and that as many tourists from Russia will be refused. Here is a kind of desire to show that Russia can do the same to Israel to its citizens."

Attorney Kovalenko on his way to Russia

Attorney Alexei Kovalenko is part of Naama Issachar's defense team en route to Russia (Photo: Untitled)

The Foreign Ministry announced that the issue of delaying Israelis to Russia will be raised as part of an Israeli-Russian consular dialogue scheduled for tomorrow in Jerusalem. The ministry also stated that Israel will place emphasis on Naama Issachar in these talks. Foreign Minister Israel Katz said: "Israel attaches great importance to its relations with Russia and to the promotion of trade and tourism between the states. The direct dialogue on a variety of issues, including the consular, is an important tool for strengthening the relationship between the states. I instructed the ministry's management to lead to a quick solution on the issue of delaying the entry of Russia, and putting Focus on dialogue about our anticipation of Naama Issachar's rapid return to her family. "

(Update first: 18:45)