The Limited Times

Protesters in France cut electricity to hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses

12/18/2019, 3:11:18 PM

Paris-Sana French trade unions continued their strike to protest the plans of President Emmanuel Macron's government


French labor unions continued their strike to protest the plans of President Emmanuel Macron's government to amend the country's retirement law, and strikers cut electricity to homes and companies in a new development of the 14-day-long strike.

Reuters reported that unions defended their decision to cut electricity to thousands of homes and companies, and even the French central bank, to force the government to abandon large-scale pension adjustments.

In response to a question to Radio France, Philippe Martinez, head of the General Federation of French Workers, said, "The cutting of electricity criminalized by French law" is considered a persistence in the manifestations of protest "by saying" The step is necessary to force Macron to back down, "adding" I understand the anger of these workers ... These are directed cuts. ”

The union leader's statements coincided with comments from the office of French President Macron stating that the latter ruled out abandoning his reform plans but was "keen to make progress in talks with unions before the start of a new day of talks between his prime minister and the heads of trade unions."

The French electricity network data indicated that the outage affected 150,000 homes yesterday.

The blackout added more chaos to the scene in the second week of strikes across the country that paralyzed the transport sector, shutting schools and more than half a million people taking to the streets to protest against the amendment of the retirement law.

The government is trying to reach a truce, at least, before Christmas, during which millions travel to France to spend holidays with their families.