The Limited Times

Riders: CGIL, case against Deliveroo, algorithm discriminates

12/18/2019, 6:20:00 PM

Lawyer, exasperating productivity system, does not consider diseases and strikes (ANSA)

The CGIL brings the food delivery multinational Deliveroo to court for collective discrimination due to the algorithm used to assign deliveries that would penalize people who have illnesses or care needs or who exercise the right to strike . "Filt, Filcams and Nidil Cgil national - a note from the CGIL states - have promoted before the Court of Bologna a legal action for discriminatory conduct against one of the main food delivery multinationals. 'Frank' algorithm: for the trade union it marginalizes the workers who for personal reasons related to rights such as illness and strike, do not continually make themselves available to work ". "It is a cause for collective discrimination - explains the lawyer Carlo De Marchis explaining that in the" appeal promoted for the first time in Europe and that represents the first application of the law n. 128/2019 on riders, the blindness of the algorithm with respect to personal conditions is underlined ". The hearing was set for 2 January 2020.

"The algorithm, in elaborating the reputational rankings of the little cyclofactors, which in fact determine the future job opportunities and the booking priorities for deliveries - explains the CGIL - marginalizes, to exclude them from the production cycle, those who fail to be available to log in to the work areas assigned to them.The rider - he continues - who does not adapt to the logic of the algorithm is gradually excluded from the possibilities of use, arriving in some cases to be delogged by the system ". "With this appeal - the CGIL states - we ask the Judge, who has already set the hearing for next January 2nd, to recognize the right of the riders to join in order to carry out trade union activities through forms of collective abstention , with full recognition of the rights of "Strike and sickness, without being penalized in future work opportunities. Furthermore," he concludes, "we ask that a plan be drawn up with workers and trade unions to remove all the factors of discrimination that characterize the algorithm."