The Limited Times

Russia: Sending an international mission to the occupied Palestinian territories is important

12/18/2019, 7:53:00 PM

New York - SANA - Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzia, announced today that Russia sees the necessity of ERS

New York - SANA

Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzia, announced today that Russia sees the necessity of sending a UN Security Council mission to the occupied Palestinian territories.

Russia Today website quoted Nebenzia as saying during a session of the UN Security Council today that the lack of a solution to the Palestinian issue continues to feed extremist trends in the region and outside, pointing to the repeated Israeli aggressions on the Gaza Strip and the increasing discontent in the Palestinian and Arab street.

Nebenzia pointed out that the Israeli settlement activity and the demolition of Palestinian homes made the situation more complicated, as well as the "increasing practice mentioned by the United Nations Secretary-General in his last report."

He said: “In these circumstances, it is extremely important to mobilize the efforts of the constructive part of the international community to support the recognized authorities of the settlement in the Middle East, adding:“ In this regard, we see it important to send a UN Security Council mission to the region.

The Russian delegate reiterated Moscow's rejection of unilateral steps in the region and reconsideration of agreements previously reached.

Earlier today, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry called on the international community to assume its responsibilities and take immediate action to stop the crimes of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinians, especially in the occupied Jordan Valley in the West Bank.